
Vascular Plants of the Gorge at Buttermilk Falls State Park (Ithaca, NY)

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Graminoid Species by Scientific Name


  Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet vernal grass Poaceae
  Bromus nottowayanus Satin brome Poaceae
  Dactylis glomerata Orchard grass Poaceae
  Danthonia compressa Flattened oatgrass Poaceae
  Elymus hystrix Bottle-brush grass Poaceae
  Elymus riparius Riverbank wild rye Poaceae
  Glyceria striata Fowl manna grass Poaceae
  Phleum pratense Timothy, common Poaceae
  Poa compressa Flat-stemmed bluegrass Poaceae
  Schedonorus arundinaceus Tall fescue Poaceae
  Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem Poaceae
  Triticum aestivum Wheat, common Poaceae
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  Carex hystericina Porcupine sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex laxiflora Loose-flowered sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex platyphylla Broad-leaved sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex radiata Easter star sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex retrorsa Hooked sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex scoparia Broom sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex sparganioides Bur-reed sedge Cyperaceae
  Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge, common Cyperaceae
  Cyperus strigosus Straw-colored flatsedge Cyperaceae
  Path rush Juncus tenuis Juncaceae
  Common wood-rush Luzula multiflora Juncaceae
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