Included in this key are only those species found in the area surveyed at Buttermilk Falls State Park.


Vascular Plants of the Gorge at
Buttermilk Falls State Park (Ithaca, NY)

** Plant Finder **

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Plants with tiny yellow florets aggregated into
dense, compact clusters called "flower heads".
Flower heads contain both ray & disc florets.
The plant's sap is clear (not milky white).

Composite Family - Goldenrods
(Click one of the pictures below that corresponds to your choice.)
Overall inflorescence
is flat or slightly
round topped. Florets
lack flower stalks, and
are grouped into
compact clusters.
called "glomerules".
Overall inflorescence
is not flat or round topped.
All flower heads are borne
on short flower stalks.




Images and text copyright  Arieh Tal, 2017-2022.  All rights reserved.  (  Terms of Use  )