Included in this key are only those species found in the area surveyed at Buttermilk Falls State Park.


Vascular Plants of the Gorge at
Buttermilk Falls State Park (Ithaca, NY)

** Plant Finder **

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 Plants with tiny yellow flowers aggregated into
dense, compact clusters called "flower heads".
Sap is milky-
white. Stem leaves are very small or
lacking at flowering. Leaves are toothless,
not lobed. Leaf veins are wh
ite: genus Pilosella

Composite Family

(Click one of the pictures below that corresponds to your choice.)
Yellow King Devil
(Yellow hawkweed)
( Pilosella caespitosa )

Dense, black hairs
on involucres;
Leaves densely hairy

Whip hawkweed
( Pilosella flagellaris )

Only 1 or 2 heads per
stem; heads larger.
Leaves densely hairy

Glaucous-leaved hawkweed
( Pilosella piloselloides )

Multiple heads  per stem.
Leaves long & narrow;
Lvs. less hairy; smooth.





Images and text copyright  Arieh Tal, 2017-2022.  All rights reserved.  (  Terms of Use  )