Moss walk


Saturday, April 29, 2023 - 1:00pm




Carpool 12:30 Cornell Cooperative Extension, Willow avenue OR 1 pm Roy H Park Preserve South Parking lot Town of Dryden, Tompkins County


Norm Trigoboff


We will carpool from the CCE at 12:30pm. If you like, meet us at 1:00pm at the Roy H Park Preserve South Parking lot (42.4277, -76.3366). We will look at moss and may search for weft fern (which has been found there) and look at creek algae, if there is interest. We will go until 3:00. The walk will be mostly flat, but some climbing (optional) may be involved. Bring snacks, water, boots (or footwear that can get wet) and a hand lens if you have them. We will cancel for heavy rain so check the website if in doubt.