Summer flora at Hoxie Gorge

Circium pumilum
This is an impromptu walk, scheduled because it was so nice out there a few days ago. Expect to see shrubby St. John's wort (Hypericum prolificum), Schreber's aster (Eurybia schreberi), the uncommon musk flower (Mimulus moschatus), and lots of blooming native pasture thistle (Cirsium pumilum). Long pants are a good idea since we'll be walking through an old field, also it is a bit hilly out there. If the weather is good there should be lots of butterflies. (Seen this week: tiger swallowtails, monarchs, a viceroy, wood nymph and hummingbird moths.) Depending on the day and the group, we will look at the drier field, and maybe the gorge itself.
Expect to spend from 10-2 on the walk, so bring snacks.
Meet at the CCE on Willow Street at 9:00 am to carpool (takes ~45-50 min from Ithaca), or at the parking area on Hoxie Gorge Rd at 10am.