
The prior issue will be added when the newest issue is received by members. Older issues will added as time permits. Please submit your essays, reports, images, or musings for Soligago. Click here for guidelines.

Volume: 25
Issue Month Summary
25:2 June, 2024

Walk Report: Baltimore Woods Nature Center — April 27th 2024 (Rosemarie Parker)
Review: “Observations on Assisted Migration” Talk (Rosemarie Parker)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier)
Early Summer Photo Gallery (Robert Dirig)
Plant Profile: Studying a Population of Rue Anemone (Thalicrum thalictroides) at Cascadilla Woods, Cornell University,
Ithaca, N.Y., in April & May 1976 (John F. Cryan)
Wild Gardening: Tiarella, ×Heucherella, Heuchera (Rosemarie Parker) 
Photo Essay: Miss Moosie’s Flower Garden [Mt. Katahdin ME] (Robert Dirig)

25:1 March, 2024
Regional Botany: Canandaigua Botanical Society Sesquicentennial (Laura Ouimette)
Review: The Vasculum, Quarterly Newsletter of the Canandaigua Botanical Society (Robert Dirig)
Name That Plant Contest [Justicia americana, Liriodendron tulipifera] (David Werier)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Lichens on a Stone Wall (Robert Wesley)
FLNPS Treasurer’s Reports, 2021-2022 & 2022-2023 (Audrey Bowe)
2023 Solstice celebration Highlights (Rosemarie Parker)
Savory Dish Winner -Nodding Onion/Ohnyǫ́hsaˀ Squash/Haudenosaunee Bean Stew  (Diane & James Florini)
Volume: 24
Issue Month Summary
24:4 December, 2023

Photo Essay: Late Autumn Glory, Mosses & Lichens (Robert Wesley)
Late Autumn Glory, Old Fields & Forest Edges (Robert Wesley) 
(including photos of Thuidium delicatulum,Cladonia verticillata, Cladonia rangiferina,Dibaeis baeomyces, Populus grandidentata, Populus tremuloides and several species of Sphagnum)
Name That Plant Contest [Eriocaulon aquaticum, Justicia americana] (David Werier)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Wild Gardening: Converting Our Lawn into a Meadow for Butterflies and Pollinators (Claudia K. Melin & Charles R. Smith)
Review: First Ever Garden Tours (Rosemarie Parker)
Local Flora: Seed Walk 2023 (Rosemarie Parker)
An Underappreciated Plant? (Charles R. Smith)

24:3 September, 2023

Old-field Milkwort (Polygala sanguinea)

Dotted Mint or Horsemint (Monarda punctata)

Fen Ladies’ Tresses (Spiranthes incurva)

Photo Essay: Late Summer Blends to Autumn Glory (Robert Wesley)
Name That Plant Contest [Uvularia perfoliata, Eriocaulon aquaticum] (David Werier)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain (Joe O’Rourke)
A New Key to the Asters of Tompkins County, N.Y. (Arieh Tal)
Photos: Looking Back to Summer (Robert Wesley)

24:2 June, 2023

Genesee Valley Conservancy Bluebell Hike (David Weeks, Whitney Carleton)
Name That Plant Contest [Uvularia sessilifolia, Uvularia perfoliata] (David Werier)
Letters (Audrey Bowe, Diane Florini)
Mystery of the Spring Asteroids (AriehTal)
Plant profile: Jacob’s Ladders - Polemonium spp. (Rosemarie Parker)
Floral Glories of June & July (Robert Wesley) - including Lilium michiganense, Ophioglossum pucillum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Neottia bifolia, Platanthera macrophylla

24:1 March, 2023

Harbingers of Spring!(Robert Wesley)
Name That Plant Contest(David Werier ) 
Letter (Scott LaGreca)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
FLNPS Calendar, Spring 2023
Appreciations: Ken Hull, Nancy Slack
Review: Solstice 2022 (Rosemarie Parker)
Cryptograms: Yellowish-green Foliose Lichens of the Finger Lakes Region (Dr. Usnea)

Volume: 23
Issue Month Summary
23:4 December, 2022

2022 Seed Walk Report (Rosemarie Parker)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff ) 
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier ) Tips: Gardening vs. Default View (Rosemarie Parker)
Volunteer Opportunities at Cornell’s Herbarium (PeterFraissinet) 
Congratulations to Mary Gilliland
Propagation: Comparing Sands for Seed Cover (Linda Blossom)
Appreciation: Kenneth Hull (Rosemarie Parker)
Local Flora: Autumn Glories (Robert Wesley)

23:3 October, 2022

Native Groundcovers (Rosemarie Parker)
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Letter (Scott LaGreca)
Volunteer Opportunities at Cornell’s Herbarium (Peter Fraissinet)
In the Field: Oakley Corners State Forest (Anna Stalter)
The Grace of Lace (Kenneth Hull)

23:2 June, 2022

Yellow Mandarin (Prosartes lanuginosa) (Kenneth Hull)
Name That Plant Contest - Selaginella rupestris (David Werier)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Ecology/Photo Essay: Logs above the Water (Robert Dirig)
June Treasures of the Fen (Robert Dirig)
The Cornell Botanic Gardens’ Native Lawn (Kristine A. Boys)
Highlights from the Ithaca Native Landscape Symposium 2022 (Rosemarie Parker)

23:1 March, 2022

Wild Flora & Plant Profile: Carex plantanginea in Early Bloom in Early Bloom (Robert Dirig)
Leatherwood aka Dirca palustris (Stephanie Erlandson)
Name That Plant Contest - Selaginella and Dasiphora floribunda (David Werier)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Have Tech Skills? Want To Help FLNPS?(R. Parker)
Hepaticas Are Harbingers of Spring
Wild Gardening: The Lure of Tiny Sedges (Rosemarie Parker)
Book Reviews: Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, an Identification Guide by L. Brown & T. Elliman; Urban Lichens: a Field Guide for Northeastern North America by JL Allen & JC Lendemer(Robert Dirig)
In-Person Meetings (FLNPS Steering Committee)

Volume: 22
Issue Month Summary
22:4 December, 2021

When A Plant Does Not Return Your Affections—Thalictrum thalictroides (Rosemarie Parker)
The Parsnip Predator (Sandy Stark) & The Perfect Tool for Restoration and Gardening (Rosemarie Parker)
Name That Plant Contest: Clematis occidentalis, Dasiphora fruiticosa (David Werier)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff )
FLNPS Treasurer’s Report, Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (Anna M. Stalter)
Solstice Night 2021 (Adrianna Hirtler)
History of Botany: SJS Letters(John F. Cryan, Don Rittner, Andrew D. Miller, David Werier , Scott LaGreca)
Overlooked Food Plants (Stanley Smith, 1937)
Trip Report: Ferns of the Clark Reservation Near Syracuse, N.Y. (Gin Mistry, Liz Hernan, Audrey Bowe)
Plant Profile: Notes on Seaside Goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens, in the Cayuga Region of Central New York (Charles R. Smith & Claudia K. Melin )

22:3 October, 2021

Poet’s Corner: Fringed Gentians (Kenneth Hull)
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier)
Plant Trivia & Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
History of Botany: Stanley Jay Smith, An Unsung Hero of New York State Botany (Robert Dirig, Lee B. Kass, Carol L. Kelloff,Dylan Kowalewski)[including “Dedication to Stanley Jay Smith” (Carl George)]

22:2 June, 2021

Wild Gardening: Thalictrum dioicum, Early Meadow Rue (Rosemarie Parker)
Name That Plant Contest - Menispermum canadense, Clintonia borealis (David Werier)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Review: Selected Talks,Ithaca Native Landscape Symposium, 2021 (Rosemarie Parker)
Learning about Wildflowers: Lost in the Umbrella Jungle (Robert Dirig)
Poet’s Corner: Marsh Cinquefoil (Kenneth Hull)
Additionalphotos: Aphyllon uniflorum

22:1 March, 2021

Remembering Bill Plummer and His Garden (Rosemarie Parker & Colleen Wolpert)
Attack Agastache! - an invasive Agastache foeniculum lookalike(Jean Weedman)
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier)
Ice Paintings on a Small Brook (Robert Dirig)
Marsh St. John’s Wort - Hypericum virginicum(Kenneth Hull)
Down (Mary Gilliland)
Sulfur Eaters (Norm Trigoboff)

Volume: 21
Issue Month Summary
21:3 December, 2020

Editorial & Photo Essay - Wintergreens and Reds: Festive Cheer for Cold, Dark Days (Robert Dirig)
Further Notes on Bogs: Jam Pond—Summer 2018 (Mary Gilliland, Anna Stalter photo)
Name That Plant Contest (David Werier)
Letter Observing Urban Plants-Ebony Spleenwort (Ken Hull)
Dame’s Rocket Survey
FLNPS Nonprofit Status
The Ruined Walled Castle Garden (Mary Gilliand)

21:2 June, 2020

Name That Plant Contest (Panax trifolius + new!) - David Werier
Foxglove Penstemon Project - Yedra García
No May Sale? Get Your Native Plants Anyway - Rosemarie Parker
Memorial for Dick Andrus - Bob Dirig
Kissing Trees - Norm Trigoboff
Ecology: Cherishing the Hungry Hill Bog, in the Catskills (bog succession) - Robert Dirig

21:1 April, 2020

Editorial: Looking Ahead to Spring! (Robert Dirig)
Name That Plant Contest: (David Werier)
Letters: (Julia Miller -Fern-leaved False Foxglove (Aureolaria pedicularia); Stanley Scharf - American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) in Cayuga Heights )
Solstice Celebration: Wild Foods Contest Winners' recipes
     Garlic Fried Wild Rice (David Werier); 
     Maple Black Walnut Pie (Tim Larkin & Susan Larkin)
Plant Trivia/Answers (Norm Trigoboff)
Winterberry (Ken Hull)
Book & Movie Reviews:
     Wake Up, Woods, by Gillian Harris, Michael Homoya, & Shane Gibson (Katharine Newkirk & Ellen Jacquart)
     Wildflowers of the Adirondacks, by D. J. Leopold & L. J. Musselman (Rosemarie Parker & Robert Dirig)
     Fantastic Fungi, by Gin Mistry
Photo Gallery: Some Hints of Spring in the Finger Lakes (Robert Dirig)

Volume: 20
Issue Month Summary
20:4 December, 2019

Plant Profiles: Hunting the Elusive Bloom (Aureolaria virginica)- Rosemarie Parker & Susanne Lorbeer
American Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus), A Strikingly Beautiful Shrub -  Robert Dirig
Name That Plant Contest - David Werier
Moss haiku - Robert Dirig
Rare Flora: Northern Neighbors — Portraits of Plants That are Rare in New York - Kenneth Hull
Essay: What’s in a Name? - Charles R. Smith

20:3 September, 2019

Slender Grace: Mackay’s Fragile Fern (Cystopteris tenuis) Through the Year, with Notes on Its Identification-Robert Dirig
Name That Plant Contest -Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens),White Water Lily (Nymphaea odorata)-David Werier
Beware the Lovely Lanternfly (Lycorma delicata)
New Book Review:Flora of Cortland and Onondaga Counties,New York, by Michael Hough-Robert Dirig
Local Flora: Red Algae in Central New York-Norm Trigoboff

20:2 June, 2019

Local Flora: Bells in the Forest (Julia Miller); Name That Plant Contest: Asplenium rhizophyllum, Epigea repens (David Werier); “Mayapple Flower” (Norm Trigoboff); Buttermilk Falls State Park Links (Arieh Tal); Letters (flora juxtaposition-Rosemarie Parker, Rhododendron canadense -Stan Scharf, kudos-Colleen Wolpert); Picaridin, A Lesser Known Alternative to DEET for Repelling Insects (Charles R. Smith); Review: The Ithaca Native Plant Symposium Continues to Inform (Rosemarie Parker) - H McCargo, Wild Seed Project; K McConnell, schools & native gardens; S Treger, Audubon NY, habitat for forest birds; K Parker,  Green Infrastructure Certification; RL Jonson, invasive aquatic plants in the FInger Lakes; M Angell, Brooklyn pier garden; C Gracie, spring wildflowers; A White, nativars and pollinators; J Johnston, pollinators at small scale native gardens; Photo Essay:Background Plants - Trilliums and Neighbors (Norm Trigoboff)