
The prior issue will be added when the newest issue is received by members. Older issues will added as time permits. Please submit your essays, reports, images, or musings for Soligago. Click here for guidelines.

Volume: 15
Issue Month Summary
15:2 June, 2014

Richard Fisher Environmental Conservation Award & oak planting ceremony; Cornus florida; goodbye to Charlotte; request for FLLT gardener; Common Butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris); Onondaga Lake Bioblitz, history of the lake and botanical richness; Shingled Rock Shield -Xanthoparmelia viriduloumbrina illusration; historic 1882 Botany exam; red summer flowers; Cherry Gall Azure (Celastrina serotina) & Harvester Butterfly (Feniseca tarquinius), ERIOPHYID MITES (Phytoptus cerasicrumena;  Sustainable Tompkins award; National Moth Week; Ithaca Native Landscape Symposium report-Daryl Morrison, Robert Grese on historic landscaping, Tom Whitlow on salt marsh restoration, Mark Whitmore on Emerald Ash Borer & Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Karen Gabrielson garden at SUNY Orange, Katherine Wolf project at Niagra, Jim Engles garden at Lagoon Park Canandaigua, Rick Manning on Cayuga Waterfront Trail, Dan Segal on favorite natives for gardens, Heather Connelly on native bees, Janet Allen on pollinators, Tim Noon on controlled burns

15:1 March, 2014

Hardy butterflies (mourning cloak, eastern & grey comma, Compton's & Milton's tortoiseshell); Caulophyllum giganteum; Athyrium species sori & sporangia; Autumn dandelions (Taraxacum)and Sulphur butterflies (response to 14:4); Solstice meeting report & winning recipe (lemon dumplings with elderberry sauce); White pine blister rust & ribes (currents, gooseberries) with photographs from Cornell Plant Pathology Herbarium; Plant Profile-Mayapple; Issues with Soil & Water Conservation Sales: species selection (natives, invasives).

Volume: 14
Issue Month Summary
14:4 December, 2013

Dandelion, Taraxicum officinale, as a food source for Sulphur butterflies, life cycle of local sulphurs (R. Dirig); Hypericum ascyron (name that plant - D. Werier); coir vs. peat for soil-less mix (letter to ed.); Diploschistes gypsaceus - A Crater Lichen New to New York State, Scott LaGreca; American persimmon, Diospyros virginiana (A. Silver); American Plants for American Gardens by Edith A. Roberts & Elsa Rehmann, book review (William Plummer); Yucca Moth (poem, R. Dirig & drawing, John F. Cryan); Calico Aster, poem by K. Hull; NY DEC Proposal for invasive species (A. Stalter); Hemlock Wooley Adelgid, HWA in Six Mile Creek.

14:3 October, 2013

Bluebottles, Fringes, & Bumbling Bees:Gentians in the Finger Lakes; The cost of [Peat] Moss; A Super-Sassafras Leaf; Maple-leaved Viburnum; A Fascinating Fungal Find (Ophiocordyceps clavulata or “Bug Sputnik”) at Hammond Hill/Park Preserve walk; Status Report-Stilt Grass at Six Mile Creek; Autumn Turtlehead; Smilax herbacea

14:2 July, 2013

Skipper butterflies and Showy Lady -slipper (Cypripedium) orchids, white forms  of Cypripedium reginae & C. acaule, report on Ithaca Native Landscape Symposium: Don Leopold - Sampler of Native Plants, Tom Rawinski - White Tailed Deer, Andy Cole- Effect of gas drilling on the environment, Joy Kuebler-SITES & LEEDS programs ("green" building & landscapes), Carl Schwartz-stabilizing stream beds, Chris Lajewski- Montezuma Wetlands, Dan Segal-"Big Horticulture", Jonathan Comstock-Effects of Climate Change on Native Plants, Amy Samuels- Onondaga Lake reclamation plans, Rick Manning-Historic Use of Native Plants in Landscapes;  talk report Bernd Blossey on Deer and Invasives; Book Review: RM Beck's The Journey at Malloryvill Bog; Commitment, Teamwork and Tenacity...; Butternut Squash with Cranberry-Apple Quinoa - winning recipe from Solstice Gathering 2012, Iris haiku; historic photos of Arthur J. Eames and L.H. MacDaniels at Eames Preserve.

14:1 March, 2013

twig structure; photo essay-ferns at Clark Reservation; white (blue) lobelia;  report on Michael Hough talk -Vascular Flora of Cortland & Onondaga Counties, NY; hepatica image; Nyssa sylvatica and Hebrew moth.

Volume: 13
Issue Month Summary
13:4 December, 2012

Winter greens & reds; 2012 Andrews foray report, Berkshire county MA (bryophytes & lichens); Seneca Meadows Wetland preserve trip report; lichens at McLean Bog Preserve; tribute to William Dress; Hayscented Fern vs. Vinca. 

13:3 October, 2012

Caywood Point, FLNF - history, natural history and walk report; Changes in local liverwort flora; Ferns in Treman Park; Cryptograms and insects at Chemung Pine Barrens

13:2 April, 2012

Fossombronia sp in Central NY; Flora of the Chemung Pine Barrens; Spring Wildflowers of the NE, a Natural History (book review); Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World (book review); Native Plant Gardening Symposium Synopsis

13:1 February, 2012

Actual issue is 13:1 and date is Feb 2012 - incorrect info is on the document!  New to the Cayuga Lake Basin Flora: Chamaecrista fasciculata, Carex siccata; Butterflies & flora of Goetchius Wetland Preserve; Celastrus scandens; Haiku; Orchid hunting 

Volume: 12
Issue Month Summary
12:4 December, 2011

New sighting of seaside goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens in Tompkins County; buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis; report on tree identification walk; CR Marks bequest. 

12:2 April, 2011

Earthworms, Garlic Mustard, and White-tailed Deer: The Fate of Our Forests - B Blossey; swallowwort control update; Carex frankii - Frank’s Sedge, New to Tompkins County and the Cayuga Lake Basin - D Werier; grape vines; Cayuga Inlet lichen outing; mosses & liverworts at Five Wells; Acer negundo followup 

Volume: 11
Issue Month Summary
11:4 December, 2010

Carex baileyi-new addition to Cayuga Basin flora; Microstegium control in Six Mile Creek and Ithaca College's South Hill natural area and  Montezuma NWLR; report of talk on Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) & Asian Longhorn Beetles; Interview with Christopher Sprague, a region 7 DEC forester on Beaver Meadow State Forest efforts to reduce deer population.

11:3 October, 2010

new lichen report for NY state (Flavopunctelia soredica); request for website help; FLNPS financial report 9/2009-8/2010; profile of Phytolacca americana; white chicory (Cichorium intybus)

Volume: 10
Issue Month Summary
10:4 November, 2009

Special edition on white tail deer impact on flora: Fermi Lab exclosure data (V Nuzzo); Deer, native plants and people (D Werier); quagmire of deer management (B Blossey); managment experience in Illinois (T Bittner); Cornell Research & management program (J Boulanger); Editorial comment (R Mitchell), The Real Deer Problem-beyond Cayuga Heights (D Segal); books about deer (G Vyverberg). Also FLNPS art exhibit, Marcellus shale, FLNPS Financial Statement 9/2008 - 8/2009

10:3 October, 2009

Brachypodium sylvaticum (slender false brome) newly invading NY; Myrmica rubra (red ant) update; future of FLNPS, native landscaping of road median; Microstegium (Japanese stilt grass) removal efforts; Inland salt marshes - report on Tony Eallonardo lecture; history of the Montezuma Fibre Company (Montezuma Marsh cat tail harvesting); trip reports: Chaumont Barrens, Thatcher's Pinnacles, Owasco Inlet

10:2 March, 2009

Hemlock Wooley Adelgid arrival in Finger Lakes; FLNPS at the Ithaca Festival; Profile: Indigo bush, Amorpha fruticosa; Myrmica rubra, the European red ant found in the NE; Tardigrades, a moss inhabitant; poem "The Woods Again"

Volume: 9
Issue Month Summary
9:1 February, 2008

Balsam Fir in Shindagin;
Cullina moss & fern book review;
conifer walk;
grassland management.

Volume: 8
Issue Month Summary
8:4 December, 2007

Woodwardia virginica - Joe O'Rourke; New England WIldflower Society seeds; Name That Plant (Polygala pauciflora, Lilium) - David Werier; Ode to Little Bluestem - Rosemarie Parker; Annual Solstice preview; Microstegium removal (review of year 4) - Charlotte Acharya; Native Plant of the Month: Quercus, the Oaks - Dan Segal; Campanula aparinoides at Tully Lake - Susanne Lorbeer; Review of  David Werier’s talk, “Biodiversity…Lessons from Reznicek’s Sedge….” - Rosemarie Parker; Impressions from the Panel Discussion, 20 November 2007--quotes collected by Rosemarie Parker from various attendees & participants; Guided Mushroom Walk by Dr. Timothy Baroni - Melanie Kozlowski;  Rain Gardens, a neat idea for a new mixed bed - by Rosemarie Parker   

Volume: 6
Issue Month Summary
6:4 December, 2005

Hamamelis virginiana -Witch-hazel Plant of the month - November by Sarah McNaullForest Invasive Plant Control: What management strategies provide the most biological success? by Charlotte AcharyaNew Edition of the Peterson Fern Guide - ReviewMember Portrait: Julie Hardin by Rosemarie ParkerWinter Rosettes by Barbara BarolComposite Trip Report - Headwaters of Six Mile Creek by David WerierCarolina Jerusalem Artichoke Pickles Submitted by Dawn DybowskiFLNPS Financial Statement for Fiscal Year September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005