Photo Gallery
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Tamarack cone. Larix laricina
Doug McGrady (CC via Flickr)Flower color ranges from light yellow to red, with bicolors fairly common. Pedicularis canadensis
Douglas Goldman, taken in PennsylvaniaParticularly floriferous bienniel guara. Flowers range from white to bicolor pink & white. Oenothera guara
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Purple tinged catkin. Salix purpurea
Cody Hinchliff via Flickr CCSource of the common name "red pinesap" is obvious. Taken in Olympic National Park, WA Hypopitys lanuginosa
Tom Potterfield via flickr CCPinxterbloom flowers can open before or with the leaves. (photo taken Mt Cuba, DE) Rhododendron periclymenoides
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Rosa blanda flowers range from deep pink to whitish. Rosa blanda
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Native alder-leaved buckthorn fruit. Rhamnus alnifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)The invasive common orange daylily often indicates an old homesite. Hemerocallis fulva
dcrsjr via Wiki CCWhen ripe the acorns will be rich brown - trunk is same white oak at Duke Forest, NC. Quercus alba
Steven Daniel (taken Genesee Co. NY)Gaywings are often in pairs. Polygaloides paucifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Zigzag stems and branching help to identify Streptosus. Streptopus lanceolatus
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Serrated leaves are fairly distinctive. Fagus grandifolia
F. Robert Wesleydistinctive leaves on wild geranium Geranium maculatum
F. Robert Wesleylow growing annual of successional fields, disturbed and edge habitats Polygala sanguinea
Paul S. SchmittBottlebrush grass! (in Cornell's Mundy Wildflower Garden) Elymus hystrix
F. Robert WesleyShrubby St. John's wort in the Mundy Wildflower Garden Hypericum prolificum
F. Robert WesleyFalse rue anemone, found wild in far western NYS, has deeper lobes than the more common Thalctrum thalictroides. Enemion biternatum
Bob Gutowski vai Flickr CCSwamp white oak in Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia PA. Clearly grown in open habitat. Quercus bicolor
Paul S. Schmittgolden ragwort can spread as a groundcover Packera aurea
Steven Daniel, taken upstate NYWild leek flowers after the leaves have died back. Allium tricoccum
Joe O'RourkeDragonfly nymph on cardinal flower, Cortland Co. Lobelia cardinalis
Steven Daniel3-toed turkey foot of big bluestem, taken in Bruce Co. Ontario Andropogon gerardi
F. Robert WesleyAnemone virginiana can be hard to distinguish from A. cylindrica. Anemone virginiana
Steven DanielTwo-leaved toothwort flower, St. Lawrence Co. NY Cardamine diphylla
F. Robert WesleyDodder (Cuscuta sp.) is a vining parasitic native. Cuscuta
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Mayapple flower. Podophyllum peltatum
R.A. Nonenmacher via CC Wiki, taken near Skaneateles NYtypical white wood aster in bloom Eurybia divaricata
Jason Hollinger via Flickr CCScarlet oak, fall color in the Smoky Mountains, NC. Quercus coccinea
P.S. SchmittSmooth Solomon's seal in flower Polygonatum biflorum
Tom Potterfield, Wikimedia CCEastern shooting star, white form. Primula meadia
Todd Boland, used with permissionDoll's eyes occasionally have pink or pinkish berries. Check the pedicel to confirm ID. Actaea pachypoda
Steven Daniel (taken in Livingston Co. NY)Butterflies are attracted to white snakeroot. Ageratina altissima
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Small fruits of American plum. Prunus americana
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Blue form. Colored forms of blunt lobed Hepatica are not uncommon. Hepatica americana
R Parkerlate spring at South Hill swamp. Penstemon digitalis
Paul S. Schmittthin leaved spring beauty Claytonia virginica
Leo LouisThe fertile leaflets will wither after the spores mature, leaving a "blank" spot in the fertile frond. Osmunda claytoniana
Paul S. Schmittswamp rose is a large, suckering rose for moist to wet locations Rosa palustris
Steven DanielFlowers of bear-berry, Bruce Co. Ontario Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Reddish foliage is not infrequent. Pedicularis canadensis
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flowers are above the leaves, unlike H. canadense. Hydrophyllum virginianum
D. L. Nickrent, source: CUPICThe distinctive flower of tulip tree in Jackson Co IL. Note insects for size. Liriodendron tulipifera
Steven DanielOxeye daisy with visitor and resident crab spider. St. Lawrence Co, NY Leucanthemum vulgare
Doug McGradyA large cluster of downy rattlesnake plantain in Rhode Island Goodyera pubescens
Steve Broyles, taken in Bruce Co. Ontario CanadaThe leaves of striped coralroot orchid are reduced to sheaths on the stalk. Photo may not be variety striata. Corallorhiza striata var. striata
Ken HullThe eastern Indian Paintbrush at Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Castilleja coccinea
Steven Daniel (taken in Alaska)Red baneberry can be white, but the pedicels are too thin to confuse with Doll's eyes (A. pachypoda). Actaea rubra
Steven DanielWinter seed head of Elymus riparius in Ontario Co. NY Elymus riparius
Paul S. SchmittAmerican witch hazel in fall Hamamelis virginiana
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flowers tend to be singular. Note opposite leaves mid-top of stem. (Alternate near bottom.) Helianthus decapetalus
Audrey Bowe, taken in Finger Lakes regionGoldie's fern (L) and glade fern (R) Homalosorus pycnocarpos , Dryopteris goldiana
Audrey Bowe taken in Finger Lakes RegionFiddleheads - uncurling fronds in early spring. Matteuccia struthiopteris
Steven Daniel (taken Genesee Co. NY)The green center (and height) separates this from other Rudbeckias in NY. Rudbeckia laciniata
P.S. SchmittShort-lived flower of bloodroot. Sanguinaria canadensis
Betsy DarlingtonHoxie Gorge in April
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Fruit starts yellow and matures to red. Rhus aromatica
Dan SegalFall color in round leaved dogwood. Cornus rugosa
D. L. Nickrent, source: CUPICSouthern swamp buttercup, Jackson Co. Illinois Ranunculus septentrionalis
Paul S. Schmittspicebush fruit Lindera benzoin
Paul S. SchmittAmelanchier sp.
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Very pale form (note involucral bracts) Eurybia macrophylla
Steven DanielNotice the bud to the right of the open flowers. St. Lawrence Co. NY Cypripedium reginae
David WerierPrairie Willow pistillate catkin with visitors Salix humilis
Rosemarie Parker, taken in Cortland Co. NYPink lady slipper orchid grows in dappled shade in rich woods. Cypripedium acaule
Distant Hills Garden via Flickr CCCommon white form alongside pinkish form in New Hampshire. Hepatica americana
F. Robert WesleyTamarak and many lichens, most prominently Parmelia sulcata, in a NY "floating bog" Larix laricina
Steven DanielNJ tea in flower, taken in Monroe Co. NY Ceanothus americanus
F. Robert WesleyNatural Bouquet Trillium cuneatum, Phlox stolonifera, Packera aurea, Viola striata
Steven DanielAlleghany vine leaves look like Corydalis until it starts vining. Pine CIty NY. Adlumia fungosa
F. Robert WesleyFruits of elegant drooping sedge. Carex prasina
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)The color can seem more purple in some lights. Gentianopsis crinita
Steve BroylesAsclepias exaltata plant Asclepias exaltata
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYNotice the hairs on leaves and flowers, justifying the English name of hairy honeysuckle. Lonicera hirsuta
F. Robert WesleyDragon's mouth orchid Arethusa bulbosa
Paul S. Schmittthe white tip is a clue for distinguishing fringetip closed gentian from bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii
Steven DanielPlants in the wild can be small with sparse flowers. Note distinctive leaves. (Steuben Co. NY) Phlox subulata
Charles R. SmithCalapogon tuberosus, found in bogs in the Finger Lakes Region in June Calopogon tuberosus
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flower and seed heads of mountain blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium montanum
Steven DanielsCarolina spring beauty has wide leaves. Flowers range from pink to white. St. Lawrence Co. NY Claytonia caroliniana
Steven DanielWhite water lily in St. Lawrence Co. NY Nymphaea odorata
Steven DanielNote spore cones at tips of shoots of this club moss in St. Lawrence Co. NY/ Dendrolycopodium hickeyi
Steven DanielShowy ladyslipper in full flower in St. Lawrence Co. NY. Notice the heavily veined leaves. Cypripedium reginae
Steven DanielUnfurling fiddlehead showing sori, from Cedar Lake, St. Lawrence Co. NY Dryopteris intermedia
Steven DanielHawthorn leaves are strongly veined, as in this dotted hawthorn (C. punctata) in Monroe Co. NY (Note thorns in background.) Crataegus sp.
P. Bouhard via Flickr CCFused leaf and tubular flowers (red outside, yellow inside) are very distinctive. Lonicera sempervirens
Steven Danielgreen spleenwort sori, Lewis Co. NY Asplenium viride
Steven Danielhackberry leaves are distinctive, and have a nice fall color - Monroe Co. NY Celtis occidentalis
By Fritz Flohr Reynolds [CC BY-SA 3.0]Spring cress in flower on Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington DC Cardamine bulbosa
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYcone like fruit of black alder Alnus glutinosa
Steven Daniels (taken St. Lawrence Co, NY)Canada anemone leaves are similar to A. virginiana & A. cylindrica, but the plant is much shorter. Anemone canadensis
Steven Daniel (taken on Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada)The petal color is dependent on light, appearing cream, white, or bluish. Parnassia glauca
Steven Daniel, taken in Ontario, CanadaThe small fringed look at the top of the flower is very visible here. Gentiana andrewsii
Steven DanielDrooping sedge proves its common name in this photo taken in Letchworth State Park. Carex prasina
Steven Daniels, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYNote the delicate stems of this wetland bellflower Campanula aparinoides
Steven DanielMature hazelnut fruit/nut in Powder Mill Park, Monroe Co. NY Corylus americana
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYThe bright yellow interior of Columbine is seen from the front (typical rocky habitat). Aquilegia canadensis
David WerierA paler pink bloom with the characteristic red center. Taken in NY State Hibiscus moscheutos ssp moscheutos
Steven DanielNannyberry, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY Viburnum lentago
Steven Daniels (taken St. Lawrence Co, NY)Canada onion flower stalks are topped with bulblets from which a few flowers will spring. Allium canadense
Steven DanielFlower of bur cucumber, taken in Ontario Canada Sicyos angulatus
Glen Mittlehauser, Maine Natural History ObservatoryTall flat topped white aster is a literal description, but misses the effect of such prolific bloom. Doellingeria umbellata
Steven DanielDelicate veining on wood anemone flower, Ontario Canada. Anemone quinquefolia
Steven DanielLow shrubby cinquefoil in flower in Warren Co. NY (Sweet fern leaves also visible.) Dasiphora fruiticosa, Comptonia peregrina
Steven Daniel, Alleghany forest.Hay scented ferns can cover large areas, especially if deer eat other herbaceous plants. Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Barbara ChaseQueen Anne's Lace flowerhead - Enfield NY 9/2020 (find the crab spider) Daucus carota
R. ParkerAmerican black elderberry in flower. Sambucus canadensis
Steven Danielearly flower head of Angelica, Monroe Co. NY Angelica atropurpurea
Blue Ridge Kitties on flickr CCSteeplebush attracts lots of insects. Spiraea tomentosa
Steven DanielBright flowers of rock harlequin in St. Lawrence Co. NY Corydalis sempervirens
Steven Daniel (taken in Lewis Co. NY)The red color in the center of the leaf whorl develops as the berries mature. Medeola virginiana
Robert DirigMackay’s fragile fern, photographed in the Ithaca area. Note upright fertile fronds. Cystopteris tenuis
Steven DanielDetail of early saxifrage flowers in Monroe County, NY. Micranthes virginiensis
Paul SchmittMundy Wildflower Garden at Cornell in spring: native flowers, naturalized redbud tree, invasive deer Packera aurea, Mertensia virginica, Cercis canadensis
Leo Louis, taken in Finger Lakes regionRattlesnake fern. Botrychium virginianum
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYNew leaves and flower buds of nannyberry. Viburnum lentago
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)The large flowers and leaves of purple flowering raspberry. Rubus odoratus
Steven Daniel (taken in Livingston Co. NY)Notice the hairs on leaves and stem. Red bronze foliage is probably due to lots of sun. Eupatorium perfoliatum
Steven DanielIrregular petal arrangement of Gillenia trifoliata. Gilenia trifoliata
Steven Daniel, St. Lawrence Co. NYHedge bindweed flower color ranges from white to pink. Calystegia sepium
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Color variation ranges from pale to medium purple, occasionally white. Iris versicolor
F. Robert WesleyThe bright fruit of red-berried elder. Sambucus racemosa
Steven Daniel (taken in Jefferson Co. NY)Chokecherry in bloom. Prunus virginiana
Mihai Costea, source: CUPICFruit is a cluster of samaras. Fall leaf color in background. (Univ. of Guelph Arboretum, Ontario CA) Liriodendron tulipifera
Steven DanielHemp dogbane, with white petals not recurved. Powder Milk Park NY Apocynum cannabinum
F. Robert WesleyLeaves somewhat similar to Rhododendron, but flowers distinctive. (Town of Caroline, Tompkins Co. NY) Kalmia latifolia
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYNotice the yellow (gold) roots of goldthread. Coptis trifolia
SB_Johnny via Wiki CCWhite bracts around the small flowers create a silvery effect en masse. (taken in Pennyslvania) Pycnanthemum muticum
F. Robert WesleyDutchmen's britches in flower Dicentra cucullaria
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Sunlight brings out the pink in Gaywings. Note the hairs on leaf edges. Polygaloides paucifolia
Steven Daniel, taken at Cedar Lake, Hamilton Co NYBluebead lily in bloom. Found in moist acid conditions. Clintonia borealis
David WerierLower portion of the tube grows more gradually than P. digitalis. Penstemon pallidus
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYWild columbine can have more subtle red tones. Aquilegia canadensis
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Fascinating structure of the greater purple fringed orchid. Platanthera grandiflora
Joe O'Rourkegreat white Trillium, aging to pinkish. Trillium grandiflorum
F. Robert WesleyRue anemone is usually seen as a few plants, or just one, unlike the similar Enemion. Thalictrum thalictroides
SB_Johnny via Wiki CCTypical color of great laurel flowers, taken in Pennsylvania. Rhododendron maximum
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYGoldthread in rich moist habitat. Coptis trifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Edible fruit of woodland strawberry. Fragaria vesca
Mihai CosteaNote the "fringed" petal edges. Photo taken in Ontario Canada. Lysimachia ciliata
William PlummerTrillium has spread to cover the ground in this garden. Trillium grandiflorum
Paul S. SchmittEarly blue cohosh is more likely to have purple or reddish flowers, and longer styles, than late blue cohosh. Caulophyllum giganteum
David Illig via FlickrBlack locust flowers are very fragrant. Robinia pseudo-acacia
Fritz Flohr Reynolds, Potomac Heritage Trail, VASwamp mallow color ranges from dark pink to white, most having the dark color at center. Hibiscus moscheutos ssp moscheutos
F. Robert WesleyNote the width and flattened look of this fruit compared to typical raspberry or blackberry fruit. Rubus odoratus
BlueRidgeKitties CC on FlickrRobin's plantain flowers on long stems above short basal leaves, and spreads by runners. Erigeron pulchellus
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Cinnamon fern fiddle heads - very very hairy. Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
Steven Danielblack chokeberry fruit, Allen Pond, NY Aronia melanocarpa
Paul S. SchmittSolomon's plume has more flowers than starry Solomon's Seal, thus more red berries! Maianthemum racemosum
Steven DanielGrey dogwood fruit is white, with reddish-to-bright red stems. Taken in Jefferson Co. NY. Cornus racemosa
F. Robert WesleyEarly saxifrage, now in the genus Micranthes. Micranthes virginiensis
Steven DanielSome ragged fringed orchid flowers seem to have fewer "fringes" - less ragged. (Lewis Co. NY) Platanthera lacera
David WerierAmerican water willow flower Justicia americana
James Carris, taken in Tompkins County NYNotice the leaf shape and veining. Vernonia noveboracencis
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Notice the smaller leaves along the stolons; this is the native T. stolonifera (used to be T. cordifolia) Tiarella stolonifera
Arieh Tal, (Copyright: Arieh Tal, April 8Plantain-leaved pussytoes, showing dense, unisexual, flower heads with MALE florets only. Antennaria plantaginifolia
Arieh Tal, (Copyright: Arieh Tal, May 9Plantain-leaved pussytoes have a colony forming habit & large basal leaves with 3 prominent veins. Antennaria plantaginifolia
Audrey BoweNote red stem and lowest pinnae larger than the one above it. Finger Lakes Cystopteris bulbifera
Steven Daniels (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flowers of common or brosdleaf arrowhead. Sagittaria latifolia
BerndH via Wiki CCPlagiochila porelloides photographed in Germany. (It is a very widespread liverwort.) Plagiochila porelloides
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)A spectacular stalk of Canada lily flowers, miraculously spared from deer. Lilium canadense
Steven Daniel, taken in Madison Co. NYNotice the distinctive fused upper leaves behind the flower. Lonicera hirsuta
Steven DanielThe "bulblets" of the bulblet bladder fern, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY Cystopteris bulbifera
F. Robert WesleySphagnum bog flora Sarracenia purpurea, Sphagnum spp.
Nicholas Turland, CC2 on FlickrRedbuds exhibit "cauliflory" - flowers growing straight out of the stem. Photo taken in Missouri. Cercis canadensis
Charles R. SmithBright heads of seaside goldenrod. Solidago sempervirens
Steven Daniel (taken in Jefferson Co. NY)Typical coloration, note the thin whorled leaves and the part shade location. Lilium philadelphicum var philadelphicum
Barbara ChaseQueen Anne's lace flower and bud. Enfield NY 7/2020 (and small pollinator) Daucus carota
M. Costea and G. Costea, source: CUPICHabit and habitat of white pine, taken in Killarny, Ontario, Canada Pinus strobus
Steven DanielDirca flowers bloom for a long time. Taken in Monroe Co. NY Dirca palustris
Steven Danieldistinctive bark of hackberry tree - Ontario Co. NY Celtis occidentalis
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYClose look at lance-leaved figwort flower (color can vary). Scrophularia lanceolata
David WerierPrairie Willow staminate catkin Salix humilis
M. Costea and G. Costea, source: CUPICFlower of cucumber magnolia, cultivated in Ontario Canada. Magnolia acuminata
Paul S. SchmittPink buds become blue flowers. May return to pink with age. Mertensia virginica
Paul SchmittTrillium in Cornell's Mundy Wildflower Garden. Note the white ovary. Trillium grandiflorum
Steven DanielMost swamp rose mallows have a darker "eye" in the center, but not all. (Montezuma Wetlands, Wayne Co. NY) Hibiscus moscheutos ssp moscheutos
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flowers of pale St. John's wort. Hypericum ellipticum
Steven Daniel (taken in Ontario Canada)field milkwort is an annual Polygala sanguinea
F. Robert WesleyDoll's eyes bloom panicle is usually more elongated than the very similar Actaea rubra. Actaea pachypoda
Steven Daniel, taken in Madison Co. NYHairy honeysuckle will climb or scramble. Lonicera hirsuta
Steven Daniel (taken in Alaska)Notice the rusty scales on leaf underside. (Denali Nat. Park) Shepherdia canadensis
Paul S. Schmittmountain maple flower Acer spicatum
Mike ServissAmerican harts tongue fern fronds unrolling in spring Asplenium scolopendrium
Dan Mullen on flickr CCPrairie rose climbs into trees or forms a mound, loaded with single flowers. Rosa setigera
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Habit of hairy Solomon's seal Polygonatum pubescens
Steven DanielBearberry, Muskellunge Lake, NY Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Winter habit of winterberry. Females need a nearby male bush for berry production. Ilex verticillata
Steven DanielSilver spotted skipper on tall bellflower, a biennial found in part shade. Leamington, ON, Canada Campanula americana
Steven DanielShiny leaves and flowers of fragrant sumac, taken at Misery Bay, Manitoulin Island Ontario CA Rhus aromatica
R ParkerDiplazium pycnocarpon in garden Diplazium pycnocarpon
D. L. Nickrent, source: CUPICBlack cherry flowers; notice the shiny leaf surface. Prunus serotina
Arieh Tal (Copyright: Arieh Tal)Flowers of Kentucky yellowwood. Cladrastis kentukea
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Red berries are quite visible, even though usually only a few per plant. Gaultheria procumbens
shanta on Flickr via Wiki CCGold fall color of Tamarack in a bog forest in Ontario Canada. Larix laricina
Steven Daniel (taken in Lewis Co. NY)Look closely for the immature green fertile fronds. Osmunda regalis
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Goldenseal emerging in spring. Hydrastis canadensis
Steven DanielChestnut oak in typical location high on ridge - Zoar Valley, Erie Co. NY Quercus montana
Daderot via Wiki CCFully open flowers of pinxterbloom at Jenkins Arboretum in Devon, PA. Rhododendron periclymenoides
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Mayapple flowers are under the leaves. Podophyllum peltatum
Steven DanielHabit of northern holly fern in Ontario, Canada. Polystichum lonchitis
Richard Bonnett, available on Wikimedia under CC2Spotted wintergreen in flower in French Creek State Park, PA Chimaphila maculata
Paul S. Schmittwake robin, or red trillium, in NY Trillium erectum
R ParkerCarex plantaginea in garden setting Carex plantaginea
F. Robert WesleySpring Beauty with Dicentra leaves Claytonia virginica, Dicentra canadensis
F. Robert WesleyFlowers of purple flowered raspberry can be fairly dark pink. Rubus odoratus
David WerierTypical crabapple flower; photo taken in central NY. Malus coronarius
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Dried seed pods are clearly Hibiscus. Hibiscus moscheutos ssp moscheutos
Paul S. SchmittMarsh marigold in spring Caltha palustris
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Amazing flower detail warrants a close look. Mitella diphylla
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Fly visiting the flowers of dwarf ginseng. Panax trifolius
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYPurple love grass seed color Eragrostis spectabilis
R. ParkerBuds & flowers in cultivation, Ithaca NY Maianthemum stellatum
Steven DanielA large, leafy liverwort, St. Lawrence Co. Bazzania trilobata
Steven DanielThe twisted petals of C. parvifolium range from greenish to brown. Seen here in Ontario, Canada in a wet area with Equisetum. Cypripedium parviflorum var pubescens
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Typical white hepatica, although with a tint of pink. Rush Oak Openings. Hepatica acutiloba
F. Robert WesleyMay apple, wild geranium, blue phlox, yellow hispid buttercup, rue anemone (white), wild ginger... a rich forest floor in spring. Phlox divaricata, Podophyllum peltatum, Thalictrum thalictroides
F. Robert Wesleytall anemone Anemone virginiana
Steven DanielTwo leaved toothwort is an early spring food source (and host) for the rare West Virginia White. (St. Lawrence Co., NY) Cardamine diphylla
Rosemarie Parker, taken in Cortland Co. NYPink lady slipper orchid protected (a bit) from deer by tree. Cypripedium acaule
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYBlack alder catkins, yellow male on left, small reddish female on the right. Alnus glutinosa
Steven DanielBlooming yellow star grass, Middlesex County, US, MA Hypoxis hirsuta
Dave SpierSilver Maple fall foliage Acer saccharinum
Andy Bussorange butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa
Peter Gorman flickr CCStiff gentian in Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie, Wisconsin Gentianella quinquefolia
Audrey BoweLong beech fern Phegopteris connectilis
F. Robert WesleyCommon blue violet is larger and taller in richer habitats; the photo is at a very lean site. Viola sororia
Arieh Tal, (Copyright: Arieh Tal, April 21Plantain-leaved pussytoes showing dense, unisexual, flower heads with FEMALE florets only. Antennaria plantaginifolia
Rosemarie ParkerMaidenhair spleenwort between rocks in garden. Grown from spores. Asplenium trichomanes
Steven DanielFragile fern can get much longer than this,shown from Jefferson Co. NY Cystopteris fragilis
David WerierCardamine maxima in flower. Cardamine maxima
Freyda BlackDowny serviceberry showing the reason for its name. Taken in Chemung Co. NY Amelanchier arborea
F. Robert WesleySphagnum moss and Rubus sp. in fall colors Sphagnum spp.
Steven DanielWater sedge in bloom. (St. Lawrence Co. NY) Carex aquatilis
Steven Daniel, St. Lawrence Co. NYBroad leaved meadowsweet in full flower. Spiraea alba var. latifolia
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Not as intricate as Mitella diphylla, but still worth a close look. Mitella nuda
Steven DanielPipsissiwa flowers, St. Lawrence Co. NY Chimaphila umbellata
Steven Daniel, taken in Ontario Co. NYRounded petals of native flowering dogwood at Rush Oak Openings Cornus florida
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)The flowers of herb Robert are quite small. Geranium robertianum
J O'RourkeCardinal flower in full bloom, Cortland Co. Lobelia cardinalis
R. ParkerYellow mandarin (actually greenish yellow) in Ithaca, NY garden. Prosartes lanuginosa
David Werier, taken in Sussex Co., Delaware.Pink lady slipper orchid can be white. Cypripedium acaule
David WerierLowrie's aster is often purple or bluish. Symphyotrichum lowrieanum
Steven DanielNote the yellowish color of the buds. (Oxford, Maine) Platanthera blephariglottis
M. HoughHummingbird (or bumblebee) moths love this native thistle even when just opening. Cirsium pumilum
David WerierMature American crabapple (0.75-1.5 in). Photo taken in central NY Malus coronarius
Steven Daniel (taken in Jefferson Co. NY)The hairs of hairy beardtongue are clear, as is the closed throat of the flower. Penstemon hirsutus
Steven DanielHooker's orchid flowers are subtle. (Adirondacks, Essex Co. NY) Platanthera hookeri
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYCorylus cornuta fruits embody the name "beaked hazelnut". Corylus cornuta
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Pitch pine can be prostrate, wind formed, dwarfed, or tall & erect depending on the habitat. Pinus rigida
Bruce GilmanThe hue of eastern redbud flower can vary a bit towards a clear pink, rather than the usual red-purple. Cercis canadensis
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Note the ~90-degree bend in the flower stalk and the hairs on leaf/stalk. Streptopus lanceolatus
F. Robert WesleyLong spurred violet Viola rostrata
R. ParkerWoodland stonecrop in bloom (garden setting) with Carex plantaginea Sedum ternatum, Carex plantaginea
Steven Daniel, taken in Ontario Co. NYWinter & Spring buds of flowering dogwood. Cornus florida
Steven DanielAngelica emerging in spring next to skunk cabbage. Ontario Co. NY Angelica atropurpurea, Symplocarpus foetidus
Paul S. Schmittdog-tooth violet or trout lily (spotted leaves) can form large colonies Erythronium americanum
Steven DanielNotice the hairy leaves of trailing arbutus in Monroe Co. NY Epigaea repens
R ParkerHypoxis hirsutus, South Hill, Ithaca Hypoxis hirsuta
Paul S. SchmittThe wild ginger flower is hidden under the leaves. Asarum canadense
Paul S. SchmittBlue cohosh in early spring. The leaves turn green once opened. Caulophyllum giganteum
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYNew leaves of alternate leaved dogwood. Cornus alternifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Color ranges from white to lavender. Eurybia macrophylla
Charles R. SmithSeaside, or Beach goldenrod is increasing in our region, moving along salted roadways. Solidago sempervirens
Steven DanielSpoonleaf sundew showing the sticky hairs in Herkimer Co. NY Drosera intermedia
Steven DanielWild calla lily, a wetland plant, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY Calla palustris
Steven Danielfringed brome grass, St. Lawrence Co. NY Bromus ciliatus
F. Robert WesleyAmerican sycamore seedlings in cobble riverside. (Also poplar and Joe Pye seedlings) Platanus occidentalis
Steven Daniel, taken in Bruce Co. Ontario CanadaRound leaved dogwood leaves & early buds. Cornus rugosa
F. Robert WesleyRed one is S. warnstorfii, the greenish tan is S. centrale; these are found in a rich fen, not in acid bogs. Sphagnum spp.
Freyda Black, taken in Chemung Co. NYGrey dogwood flowers. Note the reddish tinge to new leaf. Cornus racemosa
R. ParkerJuly bloom of Downy yellow false foxglove Aureolaria virginica
Steven DanielYellow form of Canada lily, also known as "wild yellow lily". Washington Co. ME Lilium canadense
Joshua Mayer via FlikrWild bergamot at Muralt Bluff Prairie, WI Monarda fistulosa
Charles R. SmithCornus canadensis showing fruit in June in Chenango Co. NY Cornus canadensis
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYWhite form of closed bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii
Blue Ridge Kitties on flickr CCWhite snakeroot can glow in shade. Ageratina altissima
Paul E. Barney, Jr., Penn State ArboretumEastern hemlock cone Tsuga canadensis
F. Robert WesleyEutrochium maculatum, Spotted Joe Pye Weed Eutrochium maculatum
Brian o'Brian via Flickr CCSmooth cliff brake fern in Minnesota, where it is more common than in NY. (Plus a dangling harebell!) Pellaea glabella, Campanula rotundifolia
Steven DanielShowy orchid in Adirondack State Park. Galearis spectabilis
Paul S. Schmittpale jewelweed found in slightly drier habitats than orange jewelweed, still needs lots of moisture Impatiens pallida
Paul S. SchmittRiver rye seed heads have a graceful curve Elymus riparius
F. Robert WesleySpotted Joe Pye Weed in Typical Habitat Eutrochium maculatum
D. L. Nickrent, source: CUPICThe "prolific" number of stamens is a good way to remember the species name. Hypericum prolificum
Steven Daniel (taken Genesee Co. NY)Flower & leaves of goldenseal. Hydrastis canadensis
Steven Daniel, taken in Alleghany State ParkBluebead lily in bloom. Often found as single plant, but clusters in the right conditions. Clintonia borealis
Leo Louis, taken in Finger Lakes regionnew crown forming at tip of frond Asplenium rhizophyllum
Steven DanielAn especially floriferous plant in the wild, Warren Co. NY Phlox subulata
Arieh Tal (Copyright: Arieh Tal)Long racemes of Kentucky yellowwood flowers. Cladrastis kentukea
Steven Daniel (taken in Lewis Co. NY)Typical color of wild sweet William in the wild. Phlox maculata
Andy BussSneezeweed at Seneca Meadows Preserve Helenium autumnale
Nicholas_T via Flickr CCOld growth red pine in Lycoming Co. Pennsylvania. Great bark! Pinus resinosa
F. Robert WesleyMitchella repens in moss Mitchella repens
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)These ragged fringed orchids appear to have a yellow tone. Platanthera lacera
Steven DanielEarly spring leaves of red-twig dogwood in Monroe Co. NY Cornus sericea
Steven DanielHarebells are often found on rock ledges and gorge walls (Jefferson Co., NY) Campanula rotundifolia
Steven DanielLesser purple fringed orchid in Franklin Co. NY Platanthera psycodes
Leo Louis, taken in the Finger Lakes regionSori on walking fern Asplenium rhizophyllum
Jason Hollinger, CC BY 2.0Many forked cup lichen in the Smoky Mountains, North Carolina Cladonia furcata
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Note clasping leaves, leaf shape, and relative size of individual flowers. Maianthemum stellatum
Eric Hunt via Wiki CCNinebark in full bloom in Arkansas. Physocarpus opulifolius
Mt. Cuba CenterClosed-bottle gentian; the flowers never "open"; photo courtesy of Mt. Cuba Center Gentiana clausa
Steven DanielUnusually dark pink Carolina spring beauty. Tompkins Co. NY Claytonia caroliniana
Steven DanielFragaria virginiana ssp. glauca - note leaf color. Taken in Nord-du-Québec, QC, Canada Fragaria virginiana
Steven DanielNative bittersweet fruit clusters at the branch ends. Color depends on ripeness. (Niagara Co. NY) Celastrus scandens
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Mayapple emerging in spring Podophyllum peltatum
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYAlternate leaved dogwood flower. Cornus alternifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Wood betony, or eastern lousewort, can have very showy flowers. Very pubescent! Pedicularis canadensis
J. Opiola CC WikiPink flowers are found in the wild and much used in gardens. Primula meadia
R. ParkerHunchback bee fly is one of many insects visiting mountain mint. Pycnanthemum virginianum
Dogtooth77 via Flickr CCfall color rivals Japanese maples Nyssa sylvatica
Steven Daniel, taken St. Lawrence Co. NYNote the evidence of a very moist, rich habitat. Diphasiastrum tristachyum
Steven DanielBailey's sedge fruit. (Essex Co. NY) Carex baileyi
Mike Hough (Thismia)Muskflower used to be in the genus Mimulus, aka monkeyflower. Erythranthe moschata
Steven Daniel, taken at Cedar Lake NYAzure butterfly on bastard toadflax flower. Comandra umbellata
F. Robert WesleyQuaker Ladies and Vaccinium Houstonia caerulea
Paul S. SchmittNew England aster ranges from the common purple, to pink, to nearly white. Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Paul S. SchmittJack in the Pulpit fruit Arisaema triphyllum
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)After blooming, flower stems become erect (center top) and fruit is usually above the leaves. Medeola virginiana
Steven Danielnote how hackberry bark ridges seem stratified - Point Pelee, Ontario Canada Celtis occidentalis
Fritz Flohr Reynolds via flickr CCNotice the red pollen and succulent foliage. Taken in Virginia. Hylotelephium telephioides
Tango7174 via Wikimedia CCBluebead lily fruits. Cornus canadensis is a typical companion in moist acidic forests. Deer Lake, western Newfoundland, Canada. Clintonia borealis
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYPale metallic blue berries of silky dogwood are distinctive. Cornus amomum
Steven DanielBunchberries covering the ground in St. Lawrence Co. NY Cornus canadensis
Paul S. SchmittAmerican witch hazel flower Hamamelis virginiana
Rosemarie ParkerWhite turtlehead can have pinkish tints. Chelone glabra
R ParkerWoods by South Hill swamp
Paul S. SchmittAutumn Oak Among Birches, Hector, NY 10/2012 Quercus rubra
Steven DanielLiatris cylindracea, native but endangered in NY state, here shown in Ontario Canada Liatris species
Charles R. SmithPlatanthera blephariglotis in June Platanthera blephariglottis
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)A blue form of sharp lobed Hepatica Hepatica acutiloba
Steven DanielTypical coloration of large yellow orchid, in a moist habitat in Ontario Canada. Cypripedium parviflorum var pubescens
Charles R. SmithPogonia ophioglossoides in June bog Pogonia ophioglossoides
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Ripe berries of rose twisted stalk. Streptopus lanceolatus
Audrey Bowe, taken Finger Lakes RegionGoldie's fern backlit. Dryopteris goldiana
Steven DanielFlowers of wild cucumber in St. Lawrence Co. NY Echinocystis lobata
F. Robert WesleyBlue violet and sedges (Carex laxiculmis?)in mowed area
Krissy BoysAmerican beech along boardwalk in Mundy Wildflower Garden, Cornell Botanic Gardens Fagus grandifolia
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Pink spiraea-like plume of queen-of-the-prairie. Filipendula rubra
Steven Daniel (taken St. Lawrence Co. NY)Sterile fronds of glade fern nearly completely unfurled. Homalosorus pycnocarpos
pietila4 flickr CClance-leaved figwort flowers have lots of nectar. Scrophularia lanceolata
Steven DanielStriped maple flower, St.Lawrence Co. Acer pensylvanicum
Paul SchmittMundy Wildflower Garden at Cornell in spring: native flowers, naturalized redbud tree, invasive deer Packera aurea, Mertensia virginica, Cercis canadensis
Steven DanielNote the pubescence on the stem and petals of the bloom from Ontario Canada Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin
Steven DanielRed twig dogwood flower in Monroe Co. NY Cornus sericea
Audrey Bowe taken in Finger Lakes RegionSori of Goldie's fern Dryopteris goldiana
Steven DanielFireweed flowerheads can be loose (shown) or very dense. Taken in Franklin Co. NY Chamaenerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum
Steven DanielIn NYS we have C. striata var striata, shown here from the Rocky Mountains. Corallorhiza striata var. striata
D. L. Nickrent, source: CUPICDistinctive shape and speckled orange color of common jewelweed in Illinois. Impatiens capensis
Leo LouisWalking fern can form colonies on moist rocks. Finger Lakes region. Asplenium rhizophyllum
Paul S. Schmittdeer tongue grass is very erect with little flower sprays hidden in the nodes Dichanthelium clandestinum
Krissy BoysClosed Gentian along roadside near Richford, NY, September 2013. Gentiana clausa
David Werier (taken Genesee Co. NY)late blue cohosh is more likely to have yellowish flowers, and shorter styles, compared to early blue cohosh. Caulophyllum thalictroides
Steven DanielSeed head of American purple Clematis. Upstate NY Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis
Steven DanielBroad leaved meadowsweet, taken on Mt. Washington Spiraea alba var. latifolia
Paul S. Schmittbroadleaf gromwell or stoneseed Lithospermum latifolium
Steven Daniel, taken in St. Lawrence Co. NYAmerican purple Clematis, lovely but uncommon. Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis
Paul S. SchmittThis form tends to clump instead of forming stolons, and is once again considered a separate species, probably T. wherryi. Tiarella stolonifera
Tom Potterfield via flickr CCSpreading Jacob's ladder at Bowman's Hill, PA. Polemonium reptans
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYGray's sedge has distinctive seed pods. Carex grayi
Steven Daniel, taken in Monroe Co. NYFruit of nannyberry are eaten by both people and wildlife. Viburnum lentago
Steven DanielNotice the strongly recurved involucral bracts. (Taken in Ontario Co. NY) Solidago squarrosa
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Ripe fruit is attractive to birds but somewhat poisonous to people. Sorbus americana
Steven Daniel (taken in Niagara Co.)Scoured river edges are typical habitat in NY. Yellow spikelets (flower clusters) are very showy. Sorghastrum nutans
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Spiraea casei var casei, the form found in NY state per Flora North America Spiranthes casei
Randy A. Nonenmacher via Wikimedia CCNote the striped bark behind the flowers. (Taken in Onandaga Co. NY) Staphylea trifolia
Thomas Quine via flickr CCWood aster flowers in Ontario, Canada Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flower color ranges from purple to white. Symphyotrichum puniceum
Krissy BoysFall grasses with arrow-leaved aster in Mundy Wildflower Garden Symphyotrichum urophyllum
F. Robert WesleyThe red spathe generates enough heat to melt snow. Symplocarpus foetidus
F. Robert WesleyBlooming skunk cabbage. Colorful! Symplocarpus foetidus
Steven DanielFlowers like a small sweet pea, various colors. This one in the Albany Pine Bush. Tephrosia virginiana
Steven DanielThe flower color varies with pinks, white, and yellows. (Taken in NC) Tephrosia virginiana
R. ParkerThe emerging flower stalk & leaves have a distinct purple tinge. Thalictrum dioicum
Steven DanielNotice the leaf shape and size of this spring ephemeral in Monroe Co. NY Thalictrum thalictroides
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Note the long peduncles descending about midway down the length of the distinctive bract. Tilia americana
Walter Siegmund via wiki CCStarflower forming a ground cover in Washington. (This is now a western species, T. latifolia.) Lysimachia borealis
Steven DanielA cluster of red trillium in St. Lawrence Co. NY Trillium erectum
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)White forms of red trillium are found throughout it's range. The red ovary is a clue to ID. Trillium erectum
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Another color form of red trillium; note the red ovary. Trillium erectum
F. Robert WesleyNotice the wavy "petals" and the white ovary. Trillium undulatum
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Fruit is triangular on long petiole. Uvularia grandiflora
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Wild oats flowers are smaller and paler than other Uvularia spp. in the Finger Lakes. Uvularia sessilifolia
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Notice the purple backs of the petals. Viola canadensis
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Pin cherry is covered in flowers in full sun. Prunus pensylvanica
Rob Routledge via Wikipedia CCWhite upland goldenrod in favored alvar habitat on Manitoulin Island, ON Canada Solidago ptarmicoides
R. ParkerSolidago altissima, tall goldenrod, at Park Preserve. Solidago altissima
Steven DanielFall color is spectacular. Typical habitat at edge of open water. (taken in Winchester, MA) Vaccinium corymbosum
M. Costea, CUPACNotice the soft hairs on all leaf surfaces (velvet leaf!) and stems. Taken in an Ontario bog. Vaccinium myrtilloides
Steven DanielNotice the sphagnum habitat and downy stems. Taken in Gaspesie National Park, QC Canada Vaccinium myrtilloides
Christian FischerSmall cranberry in a bog in Germany. Note curled leaf edges. Vaccinium oxycoccus
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Deerberry flowers are wide open. Vaccinium stamineum
Steven DanielMale flower & emerging leaves, taken in Seneca Co. NY Zanthoxylum americanum
R. ParkerVeratrum can form dense patches in wet areas. Taken in Newark Valley, NY Veratrum viride
Steven DanielFlower detail is not visible until you are close. Taken in Alaska Veratrum viride
Cbaile19 via Wikimedia CCWhite flowered moth mullein is fairly common. Photo taken in Pittsburgh PA Verbascum blattaria
Steven DanielBrilliant color and attractive to pollinators. Very similar to V. gigantea. Taken in Maryland Vernonia noveboracencis
Steven Daniel (taken in Monroe Co. NY)Mature arrowwood fruit at Mendon Ponds. Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Flower of arrowwood. Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum
Steven DanielShowy fruit of hobblebush in Franklin Co. NY Viburnum lantanoides
Steven Daniel (taken in St. Lawrence Co. NY)Fruit of highbush cranberry changes from green to yellow to orange to red. Viburnum opulus var. americanum