Ithaca Native Landscape Symposium 2019


Friday, March 1, 2019 - 8:00am to Sunday, March 3, 2019 - 3:45pm




Ithaca, Cinemopolis Theatre


Dan Segal & Rick Manning


(EARLY BIRD PRICES till end of January.)

 Always an excellent way to learn from local experts about native plant issues.  Well worth the time and cost!  

This year's topics:

Why Going Native Matters: Beauty, biodiversity and resilience
Friends School of Baltimore Native Plant Teaching Gardens: Growing Into A Conservation Campus 
Improving Habitat for Forest Birds: Landscape and Local-scale Management Recommendations 
New Native Plant efforts in Western NY 
Aquatic Plant Community of Southern Cayuga Lake and Non-native Invaders 
Embracing Nature in Urban Environments: Enriching the Public Park Experience through Diverse Plantings and Sustainable Materials 
Spring Wildflowers: Behind Their Beauty
Understanding the Fascinating Life Cycle of Native Plants: Flowering, pollinators and seed dispersal
How Native Plant Cultivars Affect Plant & Pollinator Interactions
Vegetated Buffers: Let the DIRT Do its Work Matthew 
Pollinator Response to Native Plant Landscaping