Plant Identification for the Rare Plant Watch List (Finger Lakes)


Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 7:00pm to Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 6:45pm






Steve Young, New York Natural Heritage Program


Every year Steve Young collaborates with professionals around New York State to determine state rankings for rare, threatened and endangered species. One of the lesser-known lists that he compiles is the Rare Plant Watch List. It contains native species that are considered rare, uncommon, or declining in numbers and need continued periodic monitoring to decide if they should be actively inventoried in more detail or removed from the list.  Join us to learn about these lists and take a trip to some of the natural communities around the Finger Lakes to learn to identify the watch list species that occur in them. In your botanical explorations you might find some of these interesting plants and help refine their status in the state.   


Scroll beneath the video for the watch list itself. The recording is available on YouTube or below:



Watch List Species, ordered by status & scientific name


Common Name


Counties - bold is extant, not bold is historical

Bidens beckii

Beck's Water Marigold

Ponds and lakes

Cayuga, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne

Carex cryptolepis

Small Yellow Sedge

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Onondaga, Tioga

Carex emmonsii

Emmons' Sedge

Dry to mesic forests, forest edges, and thickets

Cayuga, Cortland, Onondaga, Tompkins, Yates

Carex retroflexa

Reflexed Sedge

In a variety of forests in open habitats and disturbed areas.

Cayuga, Cortland, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Celastrus scandens

American Bittersweet

Woodland edges, shrub rows

Cayuga, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Corydalis flavula

Yellow Corydalis

Limestone outcrops

Onondaga, Ontario

Cryptogramma stelleri

Slender Cliffbrake

Limestone outcrops

Cortland, Onondaga, Schuyler, Tompkins, Yates

Cuscuta pentagona

Five-angled Dodder

Open wet areas like riverbanks and pond shores

Monroe, Ontario

Cyperus erythrorhizos

Red-rooted Flat Sedge

Disturbed marshes and fluctuating shorelines

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe, Tompkins, Wayne

Cyperus odoratus

Fragrant Flat Sedge

Shorelines, wet meadows and other disturbed wet or muddy sites

Cayuga, Monroe, Onondaga, Schuyler, Wayne

Cyperus schweinitzii

Schweinitz's Flat Sedge

Open sands

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe

Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin

Small Northern Yellow Lady's Slipper

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne

Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens

Large Yellow Lady's Slipper

Limestone woodlands

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Cypripedium reginae

Showy Lady's Slipper

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Juglans cinerea


Deciduous forests

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Lathyrus ochroleucus

Pale Vetchling

Limestone woodlands

Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Tioga, Tompkins

Lespedeza frutescens

Bushy Bush Clover

Dry to dry-mesic woodlands, rocky summits, and edges of forests

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Tompkins, Yates

Lespedeza repens

Creeping Bush Clover

Dry to mesic acid hardwood forests, woodlands, rocky summits, thickets, and gravelly dirt road sides.

Chemung, Tompkins

Lupinus perennis ssp. perennis

Wild Lupine

Dry sandy openings in woodlands, fields, and roadsides

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Oclemena nemoralis

Bog Aster

Bogs and poor fens


Panax quinquefolius

American Ginseng

Limestone woodlands

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Phragmites americanus

American Phragmites

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Seneca, Tioga

Scheuchzeria palustris

Pod Grass

Bogs and poor fens

Cayuga, Monroe, Onondaga, Schuyler, Wayne

Triosteum perfoliatum

Perfoliate-leaved Horse Gentian

Openings in dry woods, thickets, on poor rocky soil

Chemung, Livingston, Onondaga, Tompkins

Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis

Glandular Speedwell

Human-disturbed habitats, meadows and fields






Only historical counties




Agalinis paupercula

Small-flowered Agalinis

Bogs, shores, barrens, shores of rivers and lakes and in wet sandy soil

Cayuga, Monroe

Cakile edentula var. lacustris

American Sea Rocket

Great Lakes beaches

Cayuga, Monroe, Wayne

Carex amphibola

Ambiguous Sedge

Floodplain forests and moist deciduous forests

Cayuga, Tompkins

Carex bicknellii

Bicknell's Sedge

Rocky summits, woodland openings, thickets, roadsides, and railroad rights-of-way


Carex muehlenbergii var. enervis

Muhlenberg's Veinless Sedge

Fields, openings in forests, woodlands, rocky summits, and utility rights-of-way

Tioga, Tompkins

Carex nigromarginata

Black-edged Sedge

Dry to dry-mesic forests, road banks, and paths through forests


Cyperus houghtonii

Houghton's Flat Sedge

Dry sandy sites and ledges, including roadsides, lakeshores, sandplains and woodlands

Chemung, Livingston, Steuben

Hypericum ascyron ssp. pyrimidatum

Great St. John's Wort

Primarily on cobble and rocky shores of larger rivers and less frequently in seeps and springy areas

Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins

Luzula echinata

Spreading Wood Rush

Deciduous forests, meadows and fields, and shaded rocky outcrops

Monroe, Tompkins

Neottia cordata var. cordata

Heart-leaved Twayblade

Cool peaty swamps

Chemung, Monroe, Onondaga

Panicum flexile

Wiry Witch Grass

Moist sandy or gravelly, usually calcareous, shores and wet meadows; fens

Seneca, Yates

Polygonum erectum

Erect Knotweed

Floodplain forests, shorelines, riparian areas, and also pastures and lawns

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Schoenoplectiella purshiana var. purshiana

Weak-stalked Bulrush

Edges of pond, lakes, and large to medium sized rivers


Schoenoplectiella smithii var. smithii

Smith's Bulrush

Areas with significant water fluctuation including edges of large lakes and rivers

Cayuga, Onondaga, Tompkins, Wayne

Solidago ptarmicoides

Upland White Flat-topped Goldenrod

Calcareous fens and flat limestone outcrops


Thelypteris simulata

Massachusetts Fern

Shaded, marshy wetlands and bog areas such as cedar, spruce, larch, and sphagnum swamps

Onondaga, Ontario

Trillium cernuum

Nodding Trillium

Wet or moist areas in rich forest understories and shrublands.

Cortland, Monroe, Onondaga, Tompkins, Wayne



Watchlist by community


Common Name


Counties - bold is extant, not bold is historical

Carex cryptolepis

Small Yellow Sedge

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Onondaga, Tioga

Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin

Small Northern Yellow Lady's Slipper

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne

Cypripedium reginae

Showy Lady's Slipper

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Phragmites americanus

American Phragmites

Calcareous wetland openings

Cayuga, Seneca, Tioga

Panicum flexile

Wiry Witch Grass

Moist sandy or gravelly, usually calcareous, shores and wet meadows; fens

Seneca, Yates

Solidago ptarmicoides

Upland White Flat-topped Goldenrod

Calcareous fens and flat limestone outcrops



Bidens beckii

Beck's Water Marigold

Ponds and lakes

Cayuga, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne


Corydalis flavula

Yellow Corydalis

Limestone outcrops

Onondaga, Ontario

Cryptogramma stelleri

Slender Cliffbrake

Limestone outcrops

Cortland, Onondaga, Schuyler, Tompkins, Yates


Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens

Large Yellow Lady's Slipper

Limestone woodlands

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Lathyrus ochroleucus

Pale Vetchling

Limestone woodlands

Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Tioga, Tompkins

Panax quinquefolius

American Ginseng

Limestone woodlands

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Trillium cernuum

Nodding Trillium

Wet or moist areas in rich forest understories and shrublands.

Cortland, Monroe, Onondaga, Tompkins, Wayne


Cyperus schweinitzii

Schweinitz's Flat Sedge

Open sands

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe

Lupinus perennis ssp. perennis

Wild Lupine

Dry sandy openings in woodlands, fields, and roadsides

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Cakile edentula var. lacustris

American Sea Rocket

Great Lakes beaches

Cayuga, Monroe, Wayne

Cyperus houghtonii

Houghton's Flat Sedge

Dry sandy sites and ledges, including roadsides, lakeshores, sandplains and woodlands

Chemung, Livingston, Steuben


Cuscuta pentagona

Five-angled Dodder

Open wet areas like riverbanks and pond shores

Monroe, Ontario

Cyperus erythrorhizos

Red-rooted Flat Sedge

Disturbed marshes and fluctuating shorelines

Cayuga, Chemung, Monroe, Tompkins, Wayne

Cyperus odoratus

Fragrant Flat Sedge

Shorelines, wet meadows and other disturbed wet or muddy sites

Cayuga, Monroe, Onondaga, Schuyler, Wayne

Agalinis paupercula

Small-flowered Agalinis

Bogs, shores, barrens, shores of rivers and lakes and in wet sandy soil

Cayuga, Monroe

Hypericum ascyron ssp. pyrimidatum

Great St. John's Wort

Primarily on cobble and rocky shores of larger rivers and less frequently in seeps and springy areas

Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins

Polygonum erectum

Erect Knotweed

Floodplain forests, shorelines, riparian areas, and also pastures and lawns

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Schoenoplectiella purshiana var. purshiana

Weak-stalked Bulrush

Edges of pond, lakes, and large to medium sized rivers


Schoenoplectiella smithii var. smithii

Smith's Bulrush

Areas with significant water fluctuation including edges of large lakes and rivers

Cayuga, Onondaga, Tompkins, Wayne


Oclemena nemoralis

Bog Aster

Bogs and poor fens


Scheuchzeria palustris

Pod Grass

Bogs and poor fens

Cayuga, Monroe, Onondaga, Schuyler, Wayne

Neottia cordata var. cordata

Heart-leaved Twayblade

Cool peaty swamps

Chemung, Monroe, Onondaga

Thelypteris simulata

Massachusetts Fern

Shaded, marshy wetlands and bog areas such as cedar, spruce, larch, and sphagnum swamps

Onondaga, Ontario


Carex emmonsii

Emmons' Sedge

Dry to mesic forests, forest edges, and thickets

Cayuga, Cortland, Onondaga, Tompkins, Yates

Carex retroflexa

Reflexed Sedge

In a variety of forests in open habitats and disturbed areas.

Cayuga, Cortland, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Juglans cinerea


Deciduous forests

Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Yates

Lespedeza frutescens

Bushy Bush Clover

Dry to dry-mesic woodlands, rocky summits, and edges of forests

Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Tompkins, Yates

Triosteum perfoliatum

Perfoliate-leaved Horse Gentian

Openings in dry woods, thickets, on poor rocky soil

Chemung, Livingston, Onondaga, Tompkins

Carex amphibola

Ambiguous Sedge

Floodplain forests and moist deciduous forests

Cayuga, Tompkins

Carex nigromarginata

Black-edged Sedge

Dry to dry-mesic forests, road banks, and paths through forests


Luzula echinata

Spreading Wood Rush

Deciduous forests, meadows and fields, and shaded rocky outcrops

Monroe, Tompkins


Celastrus scandens

American Bittersweet

Woodland edges, shrub rows

Cayuga, Cortland, Livingston, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins

Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis

Glandular Speedwell

Human-disturbed habitats, meadows and fields


Carex bicknellii

Bicknell's Sedge

Rocky summits, woodland openings, thickets, roadsides, and railroad rights-of-way


Carex muehlenbergii var. enervis

Muhlenberg's Veinless Sedge

Fields, openings in forests and woodlands, rocky summits, and utility rights-of-way

Tioga, Tompkins

Lespedeza repens

Creeping Bush Clover

Dry to mesic acid hardwood forests, woodlands, rocky summits, thickets, and gravelly dirt road sides.

Chemung, Tompkins