A Virtual Walk Through Spring, Looking Mostly At Flowers
Take a virtual stroll through spring in the Finger Lakes. See many of the interesting spring plants in flower without the trouble of travel. Uplands and wetlands, and many habitat types will be included. You will, however, need to put up with yet another Zoom presentation.
The presentation can be viewed on YouTube or viewed below:
PLANTS IN THE TALK, in order of Robert's presentation:
1 |
Symplocarpus foetidus |
skunk cabbage |
2 |
Eranthis hyemalis |
winter aconite |
3 |
Tussilago farfara |
coltsfoot |
4 |
Viola odorata |
sweet violet |
5 |
Daphne mezereum |
February daphne |
6 |
Trillium cuneatum |
sweet Betsy |
1 of the sessile trilliums |
7 |
Primula elatior |
"ox-lip, keys to heaven" |
Schlüssel zum Himmel |
8 |
Primula veris |
common cowslip |
9 |
Narcissis poeticus |
poet's daffodil |
10 |
Hepatica acutiloba |
sharp-lobed hepatica |
11 |
Hepatica americana |
round-lobed hepatica |
12 |
Claytonia virginica |
narrow-leaved Spring beauty |
13 |
Claytonia caroliniana |
broad-leaved Spring beauty |
14 |
Epigea repens |
trailing arbutus |
15 |
Sanguinaria canadensis |
bloodroot |
16 |
Jeffersonia diphylla |
twinleaf |
17 |
Cardamine concatinata |
cut-leaved toothwort |
18 |
Cardamine douglassii |
purple cress |
19 |
Phlox divaricata |
wild blue phlox |
20 |
Erythronium americanum |
trout lily |
21 |
Dicentra cucullaria |
Dutchman's breeches |
22 |
Dicentra canadensis |
squirrel corn |
23 |
Caulophyllum gigantea |
early blue cohosh |
24 |
Geranium maculatum |
wild geranium |
25 |
Hydrastis canadensis |
golden seal |
26 |
Dirca palustris |
leatherwood |
27 |
Viburnum lantanoides |
hobblebush |
28 |
Mertensia virginica |
Virginia blue-bells |
29 |
Zizia aurea |
golden Alexanders |
30 |
Trillium grandiflorum |
large-flowered white trillium |
31 |
Trillium erectum |
red trillium |
32 |
Trillium undulatum |
painted trillium |
33 |
Asarum canadense |
wild ginger |
34 |
Uvularia grandiflora |
large-flowered bellwort |
35 |
Anemone quinquefolia |
wood anemone |
36 |
Cardamine diphyllum |
two-leaved toothwort |
37 |
Micranthes virginiensis |
rock or early saxifrage |
38 |
Antennaria plantaginifolia |
plantain-leaved pussytoes |
39 |
Phlox subulata |
moss phlox |
40 |
Thalictrum thalictroides |
rue anemone |
41 |
Antennaria neglecta |
common pussytoes |
42 |
Geum fragarioides |
barren strawberry |
Waldsteinia fragarioides |
43 |
Hieracium venosum |
rattlesnake hawkweed |
44 |
Taenidia integerrima |
yellow pimpernel |
45 |
Asclepia quadrifolia |
fourleaf milkweed |
46 |
Aquilegia canadensis |
wild columbine |
47 |
Polygaloides paucifolia |
"fringed polygala, gaywings" |
48 |
Gaultheria procumbens |
wintergreen |
49 |
Cornus florida |
flowering dogwood |
50 |
Amelanchior laevis |
smooth shadbush |
51 |
Salix discolor |
pussy willlow |
52 |
Acer rubrum |
red maple |
53 |
Acer negundo |
box elder |
54 |
Viola rotundifolia |
round-leaved violet |
55 |
Viola canadensis |
Canada violet |
56 |
Viola rostrata |
long-spurred violet |
57 |
Viola pubescens |
hairy yellow violet |
58 |
Viola cuculata |
marsh blue violet |
59 |
Viola sororia |
common blue violet |
60 |
Viola pallens |
northern white violet |
61 |
Viola selkirkii |
"Selkirk's violet, great-spurred violet" |
rare |
62 |
Ranunculus recurvatus |
hooked buttercup |
63 |
Luzula acuminata |
starry (hairy) woodrush |
64 |
Betula alleghaniensis |
yellow birch |
65 |
Caltha palustris |
marsh marigold |
66 |
Tolius laxus |
American globeflower |
rare |
67 |
Iris versicolor |
"blue flag, wild blue iris" |
68 |
Lilium canadense |
Canada lily |
69 |
Sarracenia purpurea |
northern pitcher plant |
70 |
Rhododendron prinophyllum |
early azalea |
71 |
Cyprepedium acaule |
"pink lady's slipper, moccasin flower" |
72 |
Cyprepedium parviflorum var. pubescens |
larger yellow lady's slipper |
73 |
Cyprepedium parviflorum var. macasin |
smaller yellow lady's slipper |
rare |
74 |
Cyprepedium reginae |
showy lady's slipper |
75 |
Galearis spectabilis |
"showy orchis, showy orchid" |
rare |
76 |
Isotria verticilata |
whorled pogonia |
rare |
77 |
Arethusa bulbifera |
dragon's mouth orchid |
78 |
Calopogon tuberosis |
grass pink orchid |
79 |
Pogonia ophioglossoides |
rose pogonia |
80 |
Houstonia cerulea |
"bluets, Quaker ladies" |
rare in our region |
81 |
Sphagnum compactum |
low sphagnum (moss) |
rare in our region |
82 |
Prunus susquehanae |
Appalachian sand plum |
rare in our region |
83 |
Rubus odoratus |
purple-flowering raspberry |
Thanks to Susanne Lorbeer for compiling the list.