Solstice Celebration of Native & Naturalized Plants


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - 7:00pm to Thursday, December 19, 2013 - 6:45pm




Ken Post (Greenhouse) Classroom, Cornell Campus, NE corner of Judd Falls and Tower Roads (42.448945, -76.469092)


(7-9:30pm) Please come and enjoy plants and plant-loving people.

We will have a MEMBERS SLIDE SHOW, with photographs of native plants, natural areas and related subjects. (Send e-mail to if you want to show some.)

Our annual SEED EXCHANGE is part of the festivities. You can take seeds to plant whether or not you bring any.

The plants we use to decorate the room for the gathering give us materials for an IDENTIFY THE DECORATIONS “QUIZ”. This is always fun as well as educational, as we expect people to collaborate and you don't need to get all the answers right to qualify for the Plant and Door Prize Drawings.

To keep up our energy during all these activities we ask people to bring a DISH-TO-PASS "With a Native or Naturalized Plant Ingredient" and a prize is awarded to the creator of the food voted favorite by the most participants. Besides the all time popular blueberry, cranberry and apple dishes there are many possible ingredients from native plants like black walnuts, butternuts, maple syrup, elderberries, wild rice, mushrooms. Creativity and truly local ingredients are appreciated.

(To see a map of the location, with parking areas marked, copy the following link and paste in your browser: The google map with satellite on is another option.)