Members' Night 2016
Link for More Info
THIS IS AN ARCHIVED PAGE ABOUT A PAST EVENT. For information on the upcoming Members Night, please look for its listing on the FLNPS events page.
Show some slides or artwork, read a poem, ask a burning question, explain your latest plant-related theory or discovery. This event provides you a chance to share your "phyto" stuff (tangible and otherwise) with your fellow members.
Members' Night Needs YOU!
Judging by the substantial feedback we received from last year's first-ever FLNPS Members' Night, the event was quite a success. Attendees enjoyed the variety of the presentations and the chance to learn about their fellow members' interests and talents. (See the link above for an intriguing review of that evening.) So we'll do it again this coming January. And of course we'll need your help! If you like to take photos, paint, draw, write poetry (or read the poems of others), do needlepoint, sing and play music, tell stories, or do anything else with a plant-related theme that you think others might enjoy, please come and share your talents and enthusiasm with us. You can make a presentation, bring interesting objects for the display table, and/or contribute items to the silent auction.
The more participation we have, the more fun this evening will be. Rick Lightbody will once again be coordinating the program and making sure there's time to fit everything in. If you'd like to do a presentation, please let Rick know of your interest and intentions as soon as possible. See below for details of communicating with Rick, and further below for more info on the display table and silent auction.
When and how to contact Rick
If your presentation will run more than five minutes:
- Contact him as soon as possible; but at the latest by January 2
If your presentation will run less than five minutes:
- Contact him as soon as possible; but at the latest by January 12

Email address:
Email subject: FLNPS Member's Night
Please tell him as much as you can about the following (even if you haven't completely finalized your plans):
- subject of presentation
- format of presentation
- any technical support needed (e.g., video projector, sound system, etc.)
- estimated length of presentation
- any preference for your position in the evening's sequence (no guarantees)
- your email address and phone number
- any other info you think is important
"Show-not-Tell" table
Consider bringing interesting plant-related items to be included on the display table. Items may be arts and crafts, peculiar seed pods, cartoons, etc. There's no need to let us know in advance, unless your item is bigger than a breadbox or can't sit on a tabletop.(If so, contact Rosemarie at But do please come ten or fifteen minutes before 7pm, to make sure your item gets set up the way you want it to. You may wish to include a small card with your name and perhaps an identification or brief explanation of the item.
Silent auction
Please think about what nifty plant-related books, art, objects or services you might be willing to donate. There's no need to let us know in advance, unless your item is bigger than a breadbox or can't sit on a tabletop. (If so, contact Rosemarie at But do please arrive ten or fifteen minutes before 7pm if you're contributing something, to make sure your item gets properly included in the auction. You can, if you wish, specify a minimum bid on the form we'll provide. And everyone, please remember to bring some extra cash or your checkbook so you can bid on this great stuff and help our organization.
We look forward to seeing you at the second annual Members' Night. Help us make it as fun and fascinating as the first!