Criteria for Plants at FLNPS Sale

Approved by FLNPS Steering Committee 4/9/2017

  • Plants sold by FLNPS should be ethically propagated, healthy, local or regional native species.
  • We will not sell species that we deem to be rare* in NY State.
  • Plants should look healthy.
       - Exception:A natural state of senescence is acceptable.
  • Propagation from seed (appropriately sourced**) is preferred.
         - Any seed-propagated plants from cultivars should be identified as such.
  • Plants dug from gardens need to be:
         - in good health (pest free and well hydrated and not in transplant shock);
         - rinsed of soil and potted in new soil-less mixture to prevent transmission of pathogens, worms, worm eggs, etc. (soil-less mix required by NY State);
         - not divisions of named cultivars.
  • Cuttings are acceptable for those species which are very difficult to propagate from seed,
         - only from gardens as long as the source population is healthy.
  • No plants dug from natural areas, protected areas, or “wild” areas.
         - Exception: Rescue plants from in-front-of-the-bulldozer type construction, etc. may be planted and used for subsequent propagation/division. 

The FLNPS plant sale committee reserves the right to refuse to sell any plant not meeting these criteria. These plants will be returned to the donor, or gifted to another non-profit group if the concern is only cultivar or regional native status.

* “Rare” is to be determined by a FLNPS botanist familiar with various legal and scientific determinations. Exceptions may be made by this botanist for species which are widely available in commerce, especially if FLNPS can provide a NY State seed source. Educational material will accompany any such sale plant.

** “Appropriately sourced seed” is seed collected from locally adapted wild populations using a set of “collecting protocols” that assure a wide representation of the genetic diversity of the population. Please see this link to the Seeds of Success program for details: Responsible wild seed collecting takes 10% or less of the seed (none for rare plant seed).