Ellis Hollow Winter Ramble (time varies with meeting site!)
Link for More Info
A "Ramble" is less than a full-fledged botanist identifying each plant, more than a hike, sort of a plant-loving-crowd-sourced ID along the trail led by an enthusiastic member with both love and knowledge of plants. Torben Russo will lead an excursion to see what flora can be found at this FLLT woodland sanctuary. Even if there is snow, there will be trees, shrubs and probably some ferns peeking out. The loop trail is fairly short, under 2 miles so we should be back by lunch. Wear warm clothes (snowshoes if there is enough snow). Meet at 10am at the CCE for carpooling, or at the preserve at 10:40am. See trail map for (limited) parking location http://fllt.org/content/uploads/2014/12/ellis_hollow.pdf