LH Bailey Herbarium tour, joint with NYFA, registration required
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REGISTRATION ABOVE. Participants are limited.
When: Saturday March 22, 1 pm-4 pm.
Where: Tompkins County, Cornell University, Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium Herbarium
Co-sponsored with Finger Lakes Native Plant Society
Number of participants: 25
Tour of Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium Herbarium
Cornell University
THE LIBERTY HYDE BAILEY HORTORIUM HERBARIUM (BH) is one of the largest university-affiliated collections of preserved plant material in North America. Established over 150 years ago, the collection now houses close to 1,000,000 specimens from all over the world.
More than 10% of these are of native or naturalized species collected within NY state, many serving as vouchers for two historic floras of the Cayuga Lake basin and for Werier’s 2017 Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of New York State.
We’ll talk about the history and use of the herbarium over the years, and how modern approaches and techniques are being used to answer novel research questions.
We’ll also provide hands-on instruction for collecting, documenting and submitting voucher specimens to BH or other herbaria.
Anna Stalter and Peter Fraissinet are curators at BH.
Detailed directions to Cornell and the Bailey Hortorium will be sent upon registration.