FLNPS Wins Richard Fischer Environmental Conservation Award for 2013

215 N. Tioga Street Ithaca, N.Y. 14850
March 12,2014
Anna Stalter, President
Finger Lakes Native Plant Society
Ithaca, NY 14850-9527
Dear Ms. Stalter,
It is my great pleasure to inform you that the Finger Lakes Native Plant Society has won
the Town of Ithaca's 2013 annual conservation award.
The Richard B. Fischer Environmental Conservation Award is our town's way of
recognizing those who have actively contributed to the improvement of our natural
environment. At the Conservation Board's March 6, 2014 meeting, the FLNPS was
unanimously approved as the eleventh winner of this award. You join the list of Betsy
Darlington, Dan Hoffman, Museum of the Earth at PRI, Jane Moon Clark, Ithaca College
Natural Lands Committee, Tom Reimers, A. Carl Leopold Founding President of the Finger
Lakes Land Trust, EcoViliage at Ithaca, Cayuga Compost and Cornell Plantations Natural
Areas Program as recipients of this award. The Finger Lakes Native Plant Society will be
added to our commemorative plaque hung in the Ithaca Town hall lobby.
We would also like to celebrate your award with a party where we plant a commemorative
tree in honor of the FLNPS. We do this every year in the spring, in an Ithaca Town Park.
As your Society encourages the use of nursery-propagated native plants in our public
landscapes, we look forward to your help in suggesting a type of tree. We look forward to
fixing a date with you for a party around the planting of this tree. If you're interested, the
Town of Ithaca's website has some webpages documenting some of our past annual
Fischer Award Tree-Planting Parties at: http://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/richard-fischeraward.
Ellie StewartChair, Town of Ithaca's Conservation Board