Native Plants Suitable for Wildflower Gardens & Meadows or Traditional Gardens in the NY Finger Lakes

See here for legal status of plants in NY. See NY Heritage Program lists for more detail.

I. Native Plants Suitable for Wildflower Gardens & Meadows or Traditional Gardens in the NY Finger Lakes

Native plants often have very specific cultural requirements and success in growing them often depends on reproducing the native habitat. Many references can provide more information on the type of soil, etc. that would be best for a given species. Many of these plants are not available in standard nurseries, but are readily propagated from seed. FLNPS has a members’ seed exchange, and can provide information on propagation. Please see the note on collecting at the end of the plant list.

Herbaceous Plants - Annuals, Biennials, Perennials
Species Common Name Culture Blooms Status Note
Actaea pachypoda
  • doll's eyes
  • white baneberry
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Spring exploitably vulnerable - protected Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Can take dry shade, deer resistant. A pink-red fruited form can be found. The peduncle is thick compared to A. rubra, so it is easily distinguished.
Actaea racemosa
  • black cohosh
Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. Will spread in good conditions, and can tolerate mild drought once established. (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Actaea rubra
  • red baneberry
Moist Part Shade, Shade Spring exploitably vulnerable - protected Showy fruit.
Ageratina altissima
  • White Snakeroot
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Summer, Early Fall Can be weedy. Nearly invasive in good soil.
Allium canadense
  • wild garlic
  • Canada onion
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer Can be weedy.
Allium cernuum
  • nodding onion
Dry, Moist Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Threatened
Allium tricoccum
  • wild leek
  • ramp
Moist Part Shade, Shade Summer edible
Anemone canadensis
  • Canada anemone
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Can be weedy. Groundcover.
Anemone quinquefolia
  • wood anemone
Moist Part Shade, Shade Spring Ephemeral.
Anemone virginiana
  • Thimbleweed
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Large petals, when in seed is easily confused w/A. cylindrica which often has tiny curved petals.
Angelica atropurpurea
  • purple-stemmed angelica
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Antennaria howellii
  • Howell's pussytoes
  • small pussytoes
Dry Sun Rocky/Stony Mid Spring Well-drained. Good for rock gardens and rocky slopes. 6-14 inches high, shorter than some other Antennaria sp.
Antennaria neglecta
  • field pussytoes
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring Well-drained. grey leaves
Antennaria parlinii
  • Parlin's pussytoes
Dry Sun, Part Sun Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening.
Antennaria plantaginifolia
  • plantain-leaved pussytoes
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Mid Spring Groundcover. Well-drained. Fuzzy grey leaves and unusual flower shape are good in well drained, poor soils. Best with little competition.
Apocynum androsaemifolium
  • spreading dogbane
Dry Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Sandy Summer Can be weedy. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showier than A. cannabinum, but spreads
Apocynum cannabinum
  • Indian hemp
Moist Part Shade Summer Can be weedy. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. very aggressive spreader and difficult to eradicate
Aquilegia canadensis
  • wild columbine
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Rocky/Stony Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Well-drained soil
Aralia racemosa
  • spikenard
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Summer Well-drained. Showy fruit. Interesting in naturalistic areas; grows in ravines, on bluffs, and wooded slopes.Can slowly develop into a thicket.
Arisaema dracontium
  • green dragon
Moist, Wet Shade Humus-rich Woodland Early Summer Rare in Finger Lakes Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Arisaema triphyllum
  • Jack-in-the-pulpit
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring, Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Asarum canadense
  • Wild Ginger
Dry, Moist Shade Spring Recommended for gardening. Groundcover; mild drought OK
Asclepias incarnata
  • Swamp Milkweed
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators.
Asclepias quadrifolia
  • Woodland Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca
  • Common Milkweed
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer Can be weedy. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Spreads
Asclepias tuberosa
  • Orange Milkweed
  • Butterfly Weed
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Sandy Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Well-drained soil
Baptisia tinctoria
  • wild indigo
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Attractive but slow to establish. Very difficult to move once established due to deep roots.
Blephilia hirsuta
  • hairy woodmint
Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall Scarce in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. fragrant foliage, mint
Calopogon tuberosus
  • grass pink
Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Mid Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Wet meadows & bogs; protected NYS; for experienced growers & from responsible propagators. Not suited for gardens.
Caltha palustris
  • Marsh Marigold
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Mid Spring Recommended for gardening. Standing water is not necessary year round, but very moist soil is needed.
Calystegia sepium
  • Hedge Bindweed
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Can be weedy. Don't encourage. Extremely hard to eliminate.
Campanula americana
  • Tall Bellflower
Moist Part Shade Late Summer, Fall Critically imperilled (S1)/endangered NYS Recommended for gardening. Biennial. Probably extirpated in the wild in the Finger Lakes area, but grows well and is very attractive. Obtain local seed from exchanges & other gardeners (prolific seed producer)
Campanula rotundifolia
  • Harebells
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun Rocky/Stony Summer, Early Fall Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Well drained, crevices; commercial sources usually European forms
Cardamine bulbosa
  • Spring Cress
Moist, Wet Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring, Late Spring Edible as a bitter addition to salads
Cardamine concatenata
  • cut-leaved toothwort
Dry, Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Early Spring Ephemeral. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Site can be dry in summer if moist in spring. (Dentaria laciniata)
Cardamine diphylla
  • Two-leaved Toothwort
Moist, Wet Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring Ephemeral.
Cardamine maxima
  • Large Toothwort
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring Ephemeral.
Castilleja coccinea
  • Indian paintbrush
Moist Sun Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Critically imperilled (S1)/endangered NYS Attracts butterflies/pollinators. semi-parasite, very difficult to grow unless you live in its natural habitat. Biennial. Transplants usually die.
Caulophyllum thalictroides
  • late blue cohosh
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Mid Spring, Late Spring Showy fruit.
Chamaelirium luteum
  • Devil's Bit
  • Fairy Wand
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Summer Critically imperilled (S1)/endangered NYS Endangered in NYS. Not suitable for introducing to new locations/gardens in NYS. If it is already in your garden, then: Minimize competition; dioecious-needs both sexes to set seed; female form larger.
Chamaenerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum
  • Fireweed
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer Can be weedy. Agressive!
Chelone glabra
  • White Turtlehead
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Summer, Early Fall Recommended for gardening. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. easy from seed, plant enough that Baltimore checkerspot caterpillars can have some.
Chimaphila maculata
  • Spotted Wintergreen
Dry Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Sandy Acidic Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected "green" in winter. difficult in gardens
Chimaphila umbellata
  • Pipsissewa
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Sandy Acidic Summer Difficult in garden setting
Claytonia caroliniana
  • Broad-Leaved Spring-Beauty
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Early Spring, Mid Spring Ephemeral. Site can be dry in summer if moist in spring. Spreads best without taller plants overshadowing in spring.
Claytonia virginica
  • Spring Beauty
  • Narrow-leaved Spring Beauty
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Early Spring, Mid Spring Ephemeral. Site can be dry in summer if moist in spring. Grows into large colonies if surrounding plants are short in spring.
Clintonia borealis
  • Bluebead Lily
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Late Spring, Summer Showy fruit. difficult. needs humous rich, moist, soil and cool (<75 deg) summers to do well
Collinsonia canadensis
  • horse balm
  • richweed
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Summer, Early Fall Fragrant, naturalizes at wood edges.
Coptis trifolia
  • Goldthread
  • Goldenroot
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Late Spring, Summer Groundcover. Difficult. Overharvested in the wild so leave there.
Corydalis aurea var aurea
  • Golden Corydalis
Dry, Moist Sun Rocky/Stony Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Threatened Well-drained. Probably extirpated in Cayuga Basin; use seed from as near as possible; Take care NOT to get weedy garden perennial C. lutea; C aurea is a winter annual & weed in Western US, poisonous to cattle
Corydalis sempervirens
  • Pink Corydalis
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Rocky/Stony Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall Rare in Finger Lakes Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. Short-lived, self-sows; probably extirpated in Ithaca area
Cypripedium acaule
  • Moccasin Flower
  • Pink Lady’s Slipper
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. very difficult; needs very acid humus; most transplants die; not recommended
Cypripedium parviflorum var pubescens
  • Large Yellow Lady's Slipper
Moist, Wet Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Easiest native Cypripedium to grow, but still needs exacting conditions.
Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin
  • Northern Small Yellow Lady's Slipper
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Lime Loving Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Neutral to limey soil
Cypripedium reginae
  • Showy Lady’s Slipper
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Moderately difficult. Leave them where they are happy.
Desmodium canadense
  • Tick-Trefoil
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy.
Dicentra canadensis
  • Squirrel corn
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Lime Loving Mid Spring Ephemeral. Site can be dry in summer if moist in spring.
Dicentra cucullaria
  • Dutchman's breeches
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Early Spring Ephemeral. Recommended for gardening. Site can be dry in summer if moist in spring.
Doellingeria umbellata
  • flat-topped white aster
Moist Sun, Part Sun Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. (Aster umbellatus)
Enemion biternatum
  • false rue anemone
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring Ephemeral. Recommended for gardening. Native to the midwest and the far west of NYS, but found in gardens and can be confused with the wood anemone Thalictrum thalictroides.
Epigaea repens
  • Trailing Arbutus
Moist Part Shade, Shade Sandy Acidic Spring exploitably vulnerable - protected Well-drained. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Difficult; sandy or humus soils with little competition
Erigeron annuus
  • Daisy Fleabane
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Summer, Fall Can be weedy. Annual, reseeds.
Erigeron philadelphicus
  • Philadelphia Fleabanae
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening.
Erigeron pulchellus
  • Robin's Plantain
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Sandy Mid Spring, Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Erythronium americanum
  • yellow trout-lily
  • dog-tooth violet
  • adder's tongue
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Early Spring, Mid Spring Ephemeral. Some clonal colonies do not bloom; others do.
Eupatorium perfoliatum
  • Boneset
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators.
Eupatorium sessilifolium
  • upland thoroughwort
  • upland boneset
Dry Part Shade Rocky/Stony Summer Flowers in dry part shade, nice background plant (3-5 ft.)
Eurybia divaricata
  • White Wood Aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Summer, Fall Recommended for gardening. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. (Aster divaricatus) Spreads
Eurybia macrophylla
  • Bigleaf Aster
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Fall Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Well-drained, rich
Eurybia schreberi
  • Schreber's aster
Moist Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Scarce in Finger Lakes Attracts butterflies/pollinators. (Aster schreberi)
Euthamia graminifolia
  • Narrow-Leaved Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Sun Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy.
Eutrochium fistulosum
  • Hollow Joe Pye Weed
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening.
Eutrochium maculatum
  • Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Eupatorium maculatum
Eutrochium purpureum
  • Sweet Joe-Pye Weed
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening.
Fragaria vesca
  • Woodland Strawberry
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Lime Loving Mid Spring, Late Spring Showy fruit. edible
Fragaria virginiana
  • Field Strawberry
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring Can be weedy. Showy fruit. edible
Galearis spectabilis
  • Showy Orchis
Moist Part Shade Rocky/Stony Spring exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. rich, moist, rocky woodlands. DIfficult. Orchids used to be in gardens when there were more of them in the wild!
Gaultheria procumbens
  • Wintergreen
  • Teaberry
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Late Spring, Summer "green" in winter. Showy fruit. Groundcover. evergreen
Gentiana andrewsii
  • Prairie Bottle Gentian
Moist Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Fall Rare in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. A lovely blue flower for late summer, useful for bumblebees. Best in moist part shade and tolerant of lime although acid preferred.
Gentiana clausa
  • Closed Gentian
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Fall Recommended for gardening. lovely blue flowers at the top of (sometimes weak) stems
Gentianopsis crinita
  • greater fringed Gentian
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Neutral Early Fall Very difficult, very site specific, biennial.
Geranium maculatum
  • Wild Geranium
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. Can take some summer drought. Fall leaf color is good.
Geranium robertianum
  • Herb Robert
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Can be weedy. Nice in fall.
Gilenia trifoliata
  • bowman's root
  • Indian physic
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Rocky/Stony Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer Well-drained. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Well-drained, rich, rocky, acid soil (but can tolerate some lime.)
Goodyera pubescens
  • Rattlesnake Plantain
Dry, Moist Part Shade Acidic Late Summer, Early Fall exploitably vulnerable - protected "green" in winter.
Helenium autumnale
  • Sneezeweed
Moist Sun, Part Sun Fall Recommended for gardening. good in wet meadows
Helianthus decapetalus
  • Ten-Rayed Sunflower
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Open moist woods; Can spread
Helianthus divericatus
  • Woodland Sunflower
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Summer Can be weedy. agressive
Heliopsis helianthoides
  • False Sunflower
  • Ox-Eye Sunflower
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. aggressive
Hepatica acutiloba
  • Sharp-Lobed Hepatica
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Lime Loving Early Spring "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. deeply colored forms may not be native. slow growing
Hepatica americana
  • Round-Lobed Hepatica
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Spring "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Slow growing but lovely. Deeply colored forms may not be native. Possibly more color seen with higher pH.
Hibiscus moscheutos ssp moscheutos
  • Swamp Rosemallow
Moist, Wet Sun Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. very late to emerge in spring don't give up till July
Houstonia caerulea
  • bluet
  • Quaker ladies
  • azure bluet
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Summer
Hydrastis canadensis
  • Goldenseal
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Mid Spring, Late Spring Threatened NYS (S2) Showy fruit. Slow growing; cool, slightly acid-neutral soil
Hydrophyllum canadense
  • Broad-Leaved Waterleaf
Moist Part Shade, Shade Lime Loving Early Summer Groundcover. Variegated leaves in sun, can spread
Hydrophyllum virginianum
  • Virginia Waterleaf
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Early Summer Can be weedy. Groundcover. can spread
Hylodesmum glutinosum
  • Pointed-Leaved Tick-Trefoil
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Summer
Hypericum punctatum
  • spotted St. John's-Wort
Dry, Moist Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall
Hypoxis hirsuta
  • Yellow Star Grass
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Summer
Impatiens capensis
  • Orange Jewelweed,
Moist, Wet Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Can be weedy.
Impatiens pallida
  • Pale Jewelweed
  • Yellow Jewelweed
Moist, Wet Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Can be weedy.
Iris versicolor
  • Blue Flag
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Can take standing water
Jeffersonia diphylla
  • Twinleaf
Dry, Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Mid Spring Threatened NYS (S2) Showy fruit. Groundcover. Great foliage; flower short-lived; easy from fresh seed. Do not collect wild seed.
Lilium canadense
  • Canada Lily
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Deer love it
Lilium philadelphicum var philadelphicum
  • Wood Lily
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Sandy Acidic Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Difficult. Acidic, well-drained sand/soil.
Lilium superbum
  • Turk’s Cap Lily
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Summer, Late Summer Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Fussy about site; may refuse to bloom or the bulb splits into non-blooming scales.
Lithospermum latifolium
  • Broad-Leaved Gromwell
  • Puccoon
Dry, Moist Shade Lime Loving Late Spring, Early Summer Threatened NYS (S2) Not showy but neat if you happen to have it
Lobelia cardinalis
  • Cardinal Flower
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Scarce Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Very showy species - some odd cultivars
Lobelia inflata
  • Indian Tobacco
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer Can be weedy. Not very showy
Lobelia siphilitica
  • Great Blue Lobelia
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Lime Loving Late Summer, Fall Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Short lived – spread seeds
Lupinus perennis
  • Wild Lupine
Dry, Moist Sun Sandy Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer rare in NYS Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Well-drained, acid; goes dormant after flowers. Horticultural sources quite often hybrids!
Lysimachia borealis
  • Starflower
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Ephemeral. woodland or bog
Lysimachia ciliata
  • Fringed Loosestrife
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Recommended for gardening.
Maianthemum canadense
  • Canada Mayflower
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Acidic Mid Spring Ephemeral. Groundcover. No alkalinity
Maianthemum racemosum
  • False Solomon's Seal
  • Solomon's plume
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. previously Smilacina
Maianthemum stellatum
  • Starry False Solomon's Seal
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Showy fruit. Moist meadows; Requires 2 different clones to fruit
Mentha canadensis
  • American wild mint
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Best contained.
Mertensia virginica
  • Virginia Bluebells
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring, Late Spring Ephemeral. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Soil can be dry in summer when dormant.
Mimulus ringens
  • Monkey Flower
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Short-lived, but can naturalize & persist.
Mitchella repens
  • Partridgeberry
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Summer, Mid Summer "green" in winter. Showy fruit. Groundcover. Slow growing, keep free of much leaf litter
Mitella diphylla
  • Miterwort
  • Mitrewort
  • Bishop's-Cap
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Inconspicuous until bloom, use several in clumps
Monarda didyma
  • Oswego Tea
  • Bee Balm
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Mid Summer, Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Can spread a lot in sun & moist soil.
Monarda fistulosa
  • Wild Bergamot, Bee Balm
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Neutral Mid Summer, Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. Self sows and runs; keep in check.
Myosotis laxa
  • Wild Forget-Me-Not
  • Small-Flowered Forget-Me-Not
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Very small flowers; edge of water
Nabalus altissimus
  • Rattlesnake Root
  • White Lettuce
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Summer Looks very weedy once flower stalk elongates, but it doesn't spread.
Nymphaea odorata
  • white water lily
Wet Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Can be weedy. nice for ponds
Oenothera biennis
  • Evening Primrose
Dry, Moist Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer, Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. night flowering; aggressive biennial
Oenothera guara
  • biennial gaura
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Biennial, allow to self sow.
Oenothera parviflora
  • small flowered evening primrose
Dry, Moist Sun Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Biennial
Oenothera perennis
  • Small Sundrop
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Sandy Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Biennial
Osmorhiza longistylis
  • Long-Styled Sweet Cicely
  • smooth sweet cicely
Moist Part Shade, Shade Lime Loving Mid Spring, Late Spring swallowtail host, wild garden
Oxalis montana
  • northern wood sorrel
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer
Oxalis stricta
  • Yellow Wood Sorrel
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Can be weedy. Very weedy!
Packera aurea
  • Golden Ragwort
Dry, Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring "green" in winter. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. good groundcover, best in large groups (syn: Senecio aureus)
Panax quinquefolia
  • American Ginseng
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Mid Spring exploitably vulnerable - protected Well-drained. Showy fruit. Difficult. Not recommended and illegal to collect (even seed).
Panax trifolius
  • Dwarf Ginseng
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Early Spring, Mid Spring Ephemeral.
Penstemon hirsutus
  • Hairy Beardtongue
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Mid Summer, Late Summer Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. Prefers rocks or sandy soil; easy from seed, prolific self-seeder
Phlox divaricata
  • Wild Blue Phlox
Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening.
Phlox maculata
  • wild sweet william
  • spotted phlox
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Threatened NYS (S2) Attracts butterflies/pollinators. blooms earlier than garden phlox P. paniculata
Phlox subulata
  • Moss Phlox
Dry, Moist Sun Rocky/Stony Mid Spring, Late Spring Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Rocky or sandy soil but must be well drained; some highly colored cultivars are hybrids
Phryma leptostachya
  • Lopseed
Moist Part Shade Lime Loving Mid Summer, Late Summer Scarce Can be weedy. Rich, moist woods. Not showy.
Physostegia virginiana
  • obedient plant
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Can be weedy. Many cultivars available. Weedy in moist soils. Behaves in dry but watered beds.
Phytolacca americana
  • Pokeweed
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer Can be weedy. Showy fruit. Large, with poisonous fruit.
Platanthera blephariglottis
  • White Fringed Bog Orchid
Moist, Wet Sun Acidic Mid Summer, Late Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Bogs & sphagnum meadows
Platanthera dilatata
  • Bog Candles
Moist Part Shade Acidic Mid Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected fragrant, bogs
Platanthera grandiflora
  • Large Purple Fringed Orchid
Moist, Wet Part Shade Acidic Mid Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected bogs
Platanthera psycodes
  • Small Purple Fringed Orchid
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Summer Used in traditional 19th century gardens. difficult in cultivation
Podophyllum peltatum
  • Mayapple
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring Ephemeral. Showy fruit.
Pogonia ophioglossoides
  • Rose Pogonia
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Early Summer exploitably vulnerable - protected easiest bog orchard to grow if you have a bog
Polemonium reptans
  • Jacob's Ladder
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Semi-dormant in summer.
Polygonatum biflorum
  • Smooth Solomon's Seal
Moist Shade Late Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Polygonatum pubescens
  • Hairy Solomon's Seal
Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Porteranthus trifoliatus
  • Bowman’s Root
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Potentilla canadensis
  • Common Cinquefoil
  • Old-Field Cinquefoil
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Mid Spring
Prosartes lanuginosa
  • Yellow Mandarin
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Spring Scarce Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening.
Pycnanthemum incanum
  • Hoary Mountain Mint
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. fragant
Pycnanthemum muticum
  • short-toothed mountain mint
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Threatened NYS (S2) Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. use local genotype if at all possible
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
  • narrow-leaved mountain mint
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators.
Pycnanthemum virginianum
  • Virginia mountain mint
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Recommended for gardening. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. An insect magnet! Very tolerant of varied soil moisture.
Ranunculus septentrionalis
  • Marsh Buttercup
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Consistently moist, slightly acidic soil preferred; endangered-do not import genotype
Rudbeckia laciniata
  • cut-leaved coneflower
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Spreads. “Golden Glow” is a double form
Sagittaria latifolia
  • Arrowhead
Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer wetlands
Sanguinaria canadensis
  • Bloodroot
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Lime Loving Early Spring, Mid Spring Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. sterile double forms available
Sarracenia purpurea
  • Pitcher Plant
Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer Showy fruit. Acid bogs. Half sphagnum, half sand, only well, rain, or distilled water.
Scrophularia marilandica
  • Figwort
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Summer not showy, but tolerates dry shade
Sedum ternatum
  • woodland stonecrop
Dry, Moist Part Shade Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Late Spring Well-drained. "green" in winter. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. A low growing, spreading plant for between rocks.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
  • Blue-Eyed Grass
Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer large flowered cultivars in horticulture are probably hybrid
Sisyrinchium montanum
  • mountain blue eyed grass
Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer Very similar to S. angustifolium. Nice in meadows.
Solidago altissima
  • Tall Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy.
Solidago arguta
  • Sharp-Toothed Goldenrod
  • cut-leaved goldenrod
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can take dry shade, med height; woodland edge
Solidago bicolor
  • Silverrod
  • White Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Not very showy, but tough
Solidago caesia
  • Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod
  • Wreath Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Early Fall, Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. takes dry shade & woodland, under 3 ft
Solidago canadensis
  • Canada Goldenrod
Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Very aggressive - avoid planting it. Chemically discourages neighboring plants!
Solidago flexicaulis
  • Zig-Zag Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Summer, Fall, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. woodland, under 3 ft; showy; spreads
Solidago gigantea
  • Late Goldenrod
  • Smooth Goldenrod
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy.
Solidago juncea
  • Early Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Sun Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators.
Solidago nemoralis
  • Old-Field Goldenrod
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Drought tolerant; poor soil best
Solidago patula
  • Rough-Leaved Goldenrod
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Fall, Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Very large, spreads
Solidago rugosa
  • Rough Goldenrod
  • Tall Hairy Goldenrod
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Fall, Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. spreads rapidly, pulls easily; cultivar Fireworks less aggressive (but still IS)
Spiranthes cernua
  • nodding ladies' tresses
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Late Summer FLNPS does not recommend orchids for gardens. Specialists who can provide the exacting conditions & care, and who obtain ethically propagated plants, are able to grow some native orchids.
Spiranthes lucida
  • shining ladies' tresses
  • wide-leaved ladies' tresses
Wet Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Early Summer, Mid Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes FLNPS does not recommend orchids for gardens. Specialists who can provide the exacting conditions & care, and who obtain ethically propagated plants, are able to grow some native orchids.
Streptopus lanceolatus
  • rose twisted stalk
Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring Showy fruit. Not easy to grow from seed, may need neutral to acidic soil
Streptopus rosea
  • Rosy Twisted Stalk
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Mid Spring Showy fruit. Difficult? Evenly moist, cool location
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
  • heart-Leaved aster
  • blue wood aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Fall, Late Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. (Aster cordifolius)
Symphyotrichum laeve var laeve
  • Smooth Blue Aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Lime Loving Fall Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Recommended for gardening. Highly recommended for gardening, seeds about.
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum
  • White Aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Weedy (Aster lanceolatus)
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
  • calico aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. (Aster lateriflorus)
Symphyotrichum lowrieanum
  • Lowrie's Aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Fall (Aster lowrieanus) Similar to S. cordifolium
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
  • New England aster
Moist Sun, Part Sun Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. May need staking unless cut back mid-summer; lower leaves die back by flowering so put in back
Symphyotrichum pilosum var pilosum
  • hairy white old-field aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Fall, Late Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Prostrate S. ericoides often mis-labeled as pilosum.
Symphyotrichum pilosum var pringlei
  • Pringle's aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Fall
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides
  • zig-zag aster
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. prefers moist acidic soil but isn't required
Symphyotrichum puniceum
  • swamp aster
  • purple stemmed aster
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. (Aster puniceus)
Symphyotrichum undulatum
  • wavy leaved aster
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Late Summer, Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. 1-3', very pale petals appear pinkish-lilac to blue depending on light. More floriferous in sun.
Symphyotrichum urophyllum
  • arrow-leaved aster
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Can be weedy. Great punctuation plant.
Symplocarpus foetidus
  • Skunk Cabbage
Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Very Early Spring Groundcover. Interesting flower; seasonally inundated
Tephrosia virginiana
  • Goat’s Rue
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Acidic Early Summer Rare in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Difficult, resents transplant/dividing; rocky or sandy soils. Not easy from seed.
Thalictrum dioicum
  • Early Meadow Rue
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Rocky/Stony Mid Spring, Late Spring Well-drained. Flowers not showy; dioecious; drier in summer OK
Thalictrum pubescens
  • Tall Meadow Rue
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Best in part sun, moist soil.
Thalictrum thalictroides
  • rue anemone
Moist Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring Ephemeral. Recommended for gardening. Well-drained, slightly acid to slightly calcareous; Double & pink cultivars available.
Tiarella stolonifera
  • Foam Flower (Running)
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. Stoloniferous; var collina (Wherry’s, clumping; now T. wherryi) blooms longer but is native further south. Cultivars often Wherry’s or hybrids.
Trillium erectum
  • Wake Robin
  • stinking benjamin
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Mid Spring Recommended for gardening. Has an off-white form; grow from seed.
Trillium grandiflorum
  • White Trillium
  • Large-Flowered Trillium
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Neutral Mid Spring, Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. grow from seed
Trillium undulatum
  • Painted Trillium
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Late Spring Difficult; cool, moist, acid, well drained; extremely difficult to propagate-get proof prior to purchase
Triosteum aurantiacum
  • tinker's weed
  • orange fruited horse gentian
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. Coarse looking
Uvularia grandiflora
  • Large-Flowered Bellwort
Moist Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Lime Loving Early Spring, Mid Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. May go dormant in summer if dry; neutral to limey
Uvularia perfoliata
  • Perfoliate Bellwort
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring Well-drained. Showy fruit.
Uvularia sessilifolia
  • Sessile-Leaved Bellwort
  • Wild Oats
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring Well-drained.
Veratrum viride
  • False Hellebore
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Summer Ephemeral. seasonal inundation good
Verbena hastata
  • Blue Vervain
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer
Verbena urticifolia
  • White Vervain
Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Can be weedy. Not very showy
Vernonia noveboracencis
  • New York ironweed
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Fall Recommended for gardening. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Very tall, late blooming composite. Questionably native in the Finger Lakes region, but lovely in the garden.
Veronicastrum virginicum
  • Culver's Root
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall Recommended for gardening.
Viola canadensis
  • Canada Violet
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring, Late Spring Recommended for gardening.
Viola cucullata
  • Marsh Blue Violet
Moist, Wet Part Sun Wet meadows & bogs
Viola labradorica
  • Dog Violet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Spring Recommended for gardening. Heat tolerant woodlander; purple leaved plant is a northern form
Viola pallens
  • Northern White Violet
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Spring
Viola palmata
  • Palmate Violet
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring Scarce
Viola pubescens
  • Downy Yellow Violet
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Mid Spring Recommended for gardening.
Viola rostrata
  • Long-Spurred Violet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring Well-drained. Heat tolerant woodlander
Viola sagittata var.ovata
  • Ovate-Leaved Blue Violet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Rocky/Stony Spring True blue flowers; dry, poor or rocky soils
Viola sororia
  • Common Blue Violet
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. various colors, but spreads! Rhizomes! Even in dry spots
Viola striata
  • Creamy-White Violet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer Scarce Happiest in rich, moist, but can take dry
Waldsteinia fragarioides
  • Barren Strawberry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. Too aggressive in mixed beds; not edible
Zizia aptera
  • Heart-leaved Alexanders
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Takes only moderately dry
Zizia aurea
  • Golden Alexanders
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring, Early Summer, Fall Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Self-sows too freely, but 2 bloom seasons
Ferns & Fern Allies
Species Common Name Culture Blooms Status Note
Adiantum pedatum
  • maidenhair fern
Moist, Wet Shade Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Asplenium platyneuron
  • ebony spleenwort
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Rocky/Stony Lime Loving "green" in winter. Well-drained. Loves to grow in rock walls, especially in cracks in cement. Needs excellent drainage.
Asplenium trichomanes
  • maidenhair spleenwort
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Rocky/Stony exploitably vulnerable - protected Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. Will grow in shade if placed between two rocks to ensure sharp drainage and crown protection.
Athyrium angustum
  • Lady Fern
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Cystopteris bulbifera
  • Bulblet Fern
Dry, Moist, Wet Shade Rocky/Stony Lime Loving exploitably vulnerable - protected Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. spreads nicely, particularly down slopes
Cystopteris fragilis
  • fragile fern
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Rocky/Stony Neutral Recommended for gardening. Well-drained.
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
  • Hay-scented Fern
Moist Part Shade Acidic Not protected in NY Can be weedy. Weedy
Deparia acrostichoides
  • silvery glade fern
Moist Part Shade, Shade exploitably vulnerable - protected Recommended for gardening. mid size structural fern for limey soils
Diplazium pycnocarpon
  • Narrow-Leaved Glade Fern
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Scarce Prefers slopes and lime.
Dryopteris carthusiana
  • Spinulose Wood Fern
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Dryopteris goldiana
  • Goldie's Fern
Moist Shade exploitably vulnerable - protected Recommended for gardening. Easy to propagate from spores
Dryopteris intermedia
  • evergreen wood fern
  • intermediate wood fern
Moist Shade exploitably vulnerable - protected "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening.
Dryopteris marginalis
  • Marginal Wood Fern
Dry, Moist Shade Acidic exploitably vulnerable - protected "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. tolerates lime
Matteuccia struthiopteris
  • Ostrich Fern
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Spreads into dense thickets in moist soil
Onoclea sensibilis
  • Sensitive Fern
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Not protected in NY Showy fruit. Spreads
Osmunda claytoniana
  • Interrupted Fern
Moist, Wet Part Shade Recommended for gardening. Elegant, can take drier soil than other Osmundas
Osmunda regalis
  • Royal Fern
Wet Part Shade, Shade wetlands
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
  • Cinnamon Fern
Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic wetlands
Phegopteris hexagonoptera
  • Broad Beech Fern
Moist Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Scarce Groundcover.
Polypodium virginianum
  • Common Polypody
  • Rock Cap Fern
Moist Shade Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. Prefers thin soil on top of rocks
Polystichum acrostichoides
  • Christmas Fern
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Neutral "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. easy in garden, can take fairly dry sites
Pteridium aquilinum
  • Bracken Fern
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Not protected in NY Can be weedy.
Thelypteris noveboracensis
  • New York Fern
Dry, Moist Part Shade Can be weedy. can spread to large colonies
Grasses, Sedges, Rushes
Species Common Name Culture Blooms Status Note
Andropogon gerardi
  • big bluestem
Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Recommended for gardening. Very large.
Bromus ciliatus
  • Fringed Brome Grass
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Summer Cool season; nice seeds
Bromus latiglumis
  • earlyleaf brome
  • flanged brome
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Summer Can be weedy. Cool season; early greening, nice seed heads
Carex appalachica
  • Appalachian sedge
Dry, Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring Well-drained. Groundcover. Very narrow leaved sedge for well drained, medium moist sites
Carex aquatilis
  • northern water sedge
Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Early Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes for wetland gardens
Carex comosa
  • bottlebrush sedge
Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer Showy fruit. wet ditches or rain gardens
Carex grayi
  • Asa Gray's sedge
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Early Summer Rare in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. fruits are large spiked balls. forms attractive clumps
Carex hirtifolia
  • Hairy Sedge
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer
Carex intumescens
  • Swollen-Fruited Sedge
  • Bladder sedge
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer
Carex pensylvanica
  • woodland sedge
Dry, Moist Part Shade Spring Groundcover. Recommended for gardening. Well-drained. Can form a grass-like groundcover in wooded areas.
Carex plantaginea
  • plantain-leaved sedge
  • seersucker sedge
Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Spring, Early Summer "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. short, wide leaves, woodland
Carex platyphylla
  • broad-leaved sedge
Moist Part Shade, Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Recommended for gardening. short, wide leaves, woodland
Carex prasina
  • swamp sedge
  • drooping sedge
Moist, Wet Part Shade Late Spring, Summer Showy fruit. interesting drooping seedheads, along streams
Carex vulpinoidea
  • foxtail sedge
Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Summer clumping species suitable for the bottom of rain gardens
Danthonia sp.
  • oatgrass
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Groundcover. D. spicata, D. compressa are short and tolerate being walked on.
Dichanthelium clandestinum
  • Panicum clandestinum
  • deertongue
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer Groundcover. Mid-height, erect, clumper.
Elymus canadensis
  • prairie wild rye
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Blue tinged leaves; great in meadows
Elymus hystrix
  • bottle-brush grass
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Elegant for shade, particularly backlit or with dark background
Elymus riparius
  • riverbank wild rye
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Summer Can be weedy. Showy fruit. good for naturalizing along creeks
Elymus villosus
  • hairy wild rye
  • silky wild rye
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes
Elymus virginicus
  • Virginia wild rye
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Summer, Early Fall
Equisetum arvense
  • common horsetail
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Can be weedy.
Equisetum hyemale
  • scouring rush
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving "green" in winter. Can be weedy. Interesting in bogs, spreads
Eragrostis spectabilis
  • purple love grass
Dry, Moist Sun Sandy Mid Summer, Late Summer Well-drained. Can be weedy. Showy fruit. Available in the horticultural trade; undistinguished until it flowers.
Juncus tenuis
  • path rush
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer Can be weedy. initially cute, but very weedy
Panicum virgatum
  • switch grass
Moist, Wet Sun Sandy Mid Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. fall color; poor soil & sun keep it erect
Schizachyrium scoparium
  • little bluestem
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Late Summer, Early Fall Recommended for gardening. golden fall color, readily reseeds
Scirpus atrovirens
  • common bulrush
Moist, Wet Sun Early Summer flops
Sorghastrum nutans
  • indian grass
Dry, Moist Sun Lime Loving Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall Scarce in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Showy fruit.
Sporobolis heterolepis
  • prairie dropseed
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Sandy Summer Threatened NYS (S2) Showy fruit. Groundcover. Slow growing and not easy to establish. Beautiful structural groundcover.
Species Common Name Culture Blooms Status Note
Adlumia fungosa
  • Allegheny vine
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Summer Rare in Finger Lakes Recommended for gardening. Climbing Bleeding Heart
Amphicarpa bracteata
  • hog peanut
Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Summer Well-drained. Annual; can overgrow neighbors
Apios americana
  • groundnut
  • hopniss
  • wild bean
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Well-drained. Edible seeds & tubers.
Celastrus scandens
  • American bittersweet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Fruits terminal- the more aggressive oriental bittersweet has axial fruit
Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis
  • purple clematis
Dry, Moist Part Sun Rocky/Stony Neutral Spring Rare in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. Rocky woods & ledges, gorges
Clematis virginiana
  • virgin's bower
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Summer, Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Can spread aggressively in moist sun, otherwise OK, large vine. Shade at base, sun at top.
Echinocystis lobata
  • wild cucumber
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Late Summer, Early Fall Can be weedy. Showy fruit. can overgrow neighbors
Lonicera hirsuta
  • hairy honeysuckle
Moist Part Sun Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Late Spring, Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Mid-size vine with bright yellow flowers. Flowers bloom in June, maturing into red berries.
Menispermum canadense
  • Canada moonseed
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. grape-like fruits mildly toxic; survives but fails to bloom in shade. Dioecious - need both genders.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
  • Virginia creeper
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Summer Can be weedy. Groundcover. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. scarlet fall color, large climber, rampant, can overwhelm competition
Vitis spp.
  • wild grape
Moist Sun, Part Sun Summer Showy fruit. Vitis aestivalis, V labrusca, V riparia, V vulpina; Rampant, hard to control, wildlife value
Shrubs, Trees
Species Common Name Culture Blooms Status Note
Acer negundo
  • black maple
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Spring Can be weedy. weedy
Acer pensylvanicum
  • striped maple
  • moosewood
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Acidic Spring Recommended for gardening. Cool acidic soil; nice bark
Acer saccharum
  • sugar maple
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Neutral Very Early Spring Recommended for gardening. Day-glo orange fall color
Acer spicatum
  • mountain maple
Moist Part Shade, Shade Acidic Late Spring cool, acidic soil
Amelanchier amabilis
  • lovely shadbush
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. wildlife value
Amelanchier arborea
  • downy serviceberry
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Spring Showy fruit. tough, wildlife value
Amelanchier laevis
  • Allegheny serviceberry
  • shadbush
  • shadblow
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Very Early Spring, Early Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. tough plant, wildlife value
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
  • bear berry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Sandy Acidic Mid Spring Rare in Finger Lakes "green" in winter. Groundcover. Showy fruit. Difficult to establish and very slow growing.
Aronia arbutifolia
  • red chokeberry
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Mid Spring Scarce Showy fruit. prefers bogs and swamps. good fall color.
Aronia melanocarpa
  • black chokeberry
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring Scarce Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Can survive dry soil, but not happily. Suckers in wet conditions. Good fall color.
Betula alleghaniensis
  • yellow birch
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Late Spring Recommended for gardening. An attractive feature in a moist-wet situation.
Betula papyrifera
  • paper birch
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Mid Spring Scarce in Finger Lakes Difficult; short lived; cool moist soil
Carya ovata
  • shagbark hickory
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Large tree. Can take moderately dry soil; peeling bark; wildlife value. Edible nut.
Cephelanthus occidentalis
  • buttonbush
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. often in standing water. good for rain gardens
Cornus alternifolia
  • alternate-leaved dogwood
  • pagoda dogwood
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. bird food source, tolerant of black walnut trees, shallow roots
Cornus amomum
  • silky dogwood
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Wildlife value, tolerates black walnut
Cornus canadensis
  • bunchberry
Moist Part Shade, Shade Humus-rich Woodland Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Groundcover. Showy fruit. wants a cool site
Cornus florida
  • flowering dogwood
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. prone to anthracnose, great red fall color
Cornus racemosa
  • gray dogwood
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. spreads by stolons
Cornus rugosa
  • round-leaved dogwood
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Rocky/Stony Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. gravelly slopes; wildlife value, fall color
Cornus sericea
  • red-osier dogwood
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Neutral Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Spreads (stoloniferous); only moderate dryness, prefers wet
Corylus americana
  • American hazelnut
  • American filbert
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Very Early Spring Showy fruit. Suckers, so best in wilder areas or if suckers are promptly removed. Edible fruit if you can harvest it, but excellent wildlife value. Catkins in spring and nice fall color.
Crataegus sp.
  • hawthorn
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer Well-drained. Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Thorns! Wildlife value. Numerous hard-to-distinguish species in our area. Avoid the introduced species if you can.
Dasiphora fruiticosa
  • shrubby cinquefoil
  • potentilla
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Nurseries sell sterile European cultivars; pure species and local genotype hard to find.
Diervilla lonicera
  • northern bush honeysuckle
Dry, Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Rocky/Stony Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer Spreads via stolons but nice if room is available.
Dirca palustris
  • leatherwood
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Lime Loving Mid Spring rich soil, found in calcareous soils but tolerates acid, slow grower
Euonymus atropurpureus
  • American wahoo
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Lime Loving Early Summer Showy fruit. Red-pink berries and red fall color (not bright). Tolerates black walnut trees. Can reach 20 ft.
Fagus grandifolia
  • American beech
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Acidic Spring Can be weedy. root suckers!
Fraxinus americana
  • white ash
Moist Sun, Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Spring
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
  • red ash
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Spring Believed extirpated Moist-wet woods; early fall color; cultivars available; believed to be extirpated in the wild in Cayuga Lake Basin
Gymnocladus dioicus
  • Kentucky coffee tree
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring, Early Summer Critically imperilled (S1)/endangered NYS Showy fruit. rich alluvial soils; large pods on females can be messy
Hamamelis virginiana
  • witch-hazel
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Fall, Late Fall Recommended for gardening. OK in seasonally wet-moderately dry conditions
Hypericum prolificum
  • shrubby St. John's wort
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Threatened NYS (S2) Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Floriferous in sun. Spreads slowly into wide shrub. Easy from seed.
Ilex verticillata
  • winterberry
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. only female has berries, needs nearby male
Juglans cinerea
  • butternut
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Well-drained. Showy fruit. needs ground water, not really dry
Juglans nigra
  • black walnut
Moist Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Early Summer Rich soil; not much will grow underneath it
Kalmia latifolia
  • mountain laurel
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Early Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. Must have acidic soil and a somewhat protected location.
Lindera benzoin
  • spicebush
Moist, Wet Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Mid Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. only female has berries, needs nearby male; fall color, tolerates wide pH range
Liriodendron tulipifera
  • tulip poplar
Moist Sun, Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Early Summer Recommended for gardening.
Lonicera canadensis
  • fly honeysuckle
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring running understory shrub
Magnolia acuminata
  • cucumber magnolia
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Humus-rich Woodland Spring Recommended for gardening. Large tree with white flowers and interesting seed "cones".
Malus coronarius
  • crabapple
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening.
Nyssa sylvatica
  • tupelo
  • black gum
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Scarce in Finger Lakes good fall color, slow growing, tap root - very difficult to transplant
Physocarpus opulifolius
  • ninebark
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Stick to straight species for pollinators. Prune to shape if scraggly.
Pinus resinosa
  • red pine
Dry, Moist Sun Well-drained. "green" in winter. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Reddish bark, good specimen tree
Pinus rigida
  • pitch pine
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Acidic Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. If leader destroyed, forms twisted shrub
Platanus occidentalis
  • Sycamore
Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Winter bark interest; messy
Prunus americana
  • wild plum
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Spring Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. best in naturalized groups; colonizes
Prunus serotina
  • black cherry
Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Spring Well-drained. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. Attracts tent caterpillars, disease prone, allelopathic to some garden plants
Prunus virginiana
  • choke cherry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Spring, Late Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. shrubby, army caterpillars love it
Quercus alba
  • white oak
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. wildlife value
Quercus coccinea
  • scarlet oak
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Acidic Early Spring Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. excellent fall color
Quercus rubra
  • red oak
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. fast growing
Rhododendron maximum
  • great laurel
  • rosebay
Moist, Wet Part Shade, Shade Acidic Early Summer, Mid Summer Rare in Finger Lakes "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. Poisonous, but good cover for birds
Rhododendron periclymenoides
  • pinxterbloom azalea
  • pinkster flower
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring Well-drained. Recommended for gardening. best in well drained but moist soil in dappled shade
Rhododendron prinophyllum
  • rose shell azalea
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Neutral Spring Recommended for gardening. deciduous, fragrant bloom, can tolerate less acidic soils
Rhus aromatica
  • fragrant sumac
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer Can be weedy. Well-drained.
Rhus typhina
  • staghorn sumac
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer Showy fruit. good fall color, spreads, short lived
Rosa blanda
  • smooth rose
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. thornless, can be trained as a climber
Rosa carolina
  • pasture rose
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. short, suckers into thickets
Rosa palustris
  • swamp rose
Moist, Wet Sun Summer Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. best color, longest bloom; suckers
Rosa setigera
  • prairie rose
  • Ozark rose
Moist Sun, Part Sun Summer, Early Fall Rare in Finger Lakes Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Long bloom, good color, climber; possibly introduced to Finger Lakes from slightly further west
Rubus odoratus
  • purple flowering raspberry
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer Can be weedy. Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Large, showy flowers plus edible fruit! Typical Rubus aggressiveness
Salix discolor
  • pussy willow
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Very Early Spring Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Fast growing
Salix nigra
  • black willow
Moist, Wet Sun Early Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Erect tree, grows fast
Sambucus canadensis
  • American elderberry
  • American black elderberry
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. edible
Sambucus racemosa
  • red-berried elder
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens.
Sassafras albidum
  • sassafras
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Late Spring Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Good bird tree, fall color; borderline hardy in Finger Lakes
Shepherdia canadensis
  • buffaloberry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Lime Loving Spring, Early Summer Well-drained. Showy fruit. berry mildly poisonous
Sorbus americana
  • American mountain ash
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Acidic Late Spring, Early Summer Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. short-lived, food for birds
Spiraea alba var. alba
  • narrow leaved meadowsweet
Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Attracts butterflies/pollinators. spreads
Spiraea alba var. latifolia
  • broad leaved meadowsweet
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Mid Summer, Late Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Spreads; takes drier soils and has wider leaves than var. alba.
Spiraea tomentosa
  • steeplebush
Wet Sun, Part Sun Acidic Late Summer Recommended for gardening. Low shrub, 2-4 ft high; requires moist, acidic soil in at least part sun.
Staphylea trifolia
  • bladdernut
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Rocky/Stony Lime Loving Mid Spring, Late Spring Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. striped bark; in sun can sucker to large size
Symphoricarpos albus var. albus
  • snowberry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Sandy Lime Loving Summer Scarce in Finger Lakes Showy fruit. Recommended for gardening. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. Nurseries mostly carry var. laevigatus, a western U.S. native
Thuja occidentalis
  • eastern white cedar
  • arborvitae
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Very Early Spring "green" in winter. Recommended for gardening. Evergreen, many cultivars available. Deer love the foliage.
Tilia americana
  • basswood
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Early Summer, Mid Summer Attracts butterflies/pollinators. fragrant
Tsuga canadensis
  • eastern hemlock
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Early Spring "green" in winter. Showy fruit. Wooly adelgid is fatal; little grows beneath hemlocks
Ulmus rubra
  • slippery elm
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun Humus-rich Woodland Very Early Spring, Early Spring tolerates black walnut
Vaccinium angustifolium
  • low bush blueberry
Moist Part Sun, Part Shade Rocky/Stony Acidic Summer Groundcover. Edible fruit.
Vaccinium corymbosum
  • high-bush blueberry
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun Acidic Mid Spring, Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. edible fruit
Vaccinium macrocarpum
  • large cranberry
Wet Sun Acidic Summer Requires an acidic bog area to grow. Edible fruit.
Vaccinium myrtilloides
  • velvet leafed blueberry
  • Canadian blueberry
  • velvetleaf huckleberry
Dry Sun, Part Sun Sandy Acidic Summer Showy fruit. Reputed to have the sweetest blueberry fruits.
Viburnum acerifolium
  • maple-leaved viburnum
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade, Shade Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Cream & pink fall color; Viburnum leaf beetle & deer problems
Viburnum cassinoides
  • witherod
Dry, Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Attracts butterflies/pollinators. Viburnum leaf beetle (Viburnum nudum var cassinoides)
Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum
  • northern arrowwood
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Early Summer Showy fruit. Viburnum leaf beetle
Viburnum lantanoides
  • hobblebush
Moist Shade Early Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Viburnum leaf beetle; needs cool soil (Viburnum alnifolium)
Viburnum lentago
  • nannyberry
Dry, Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. large shrub, edible
Viburnum opulus var. americanum
  • cranberry viburnum
Moist, Wet Sun, Part Sun Late Spring, Early Summer Recommended for gardening. Showy fruit. Used in traditional 19th century gardens. viburnum leaf beetle (Viburnum trilobum)
Zanthoxylum americanum
  • prickley ash
Moist Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade Late Spring Scarce in Finger Lakes fragrant; thorns